How Can I Tell How Much to Water a Potted Tomato Plant?
- Tomatoes generally need about a gallon of water (about two inches measuring rainfall and supplemental watering with a rain gauge) per week to grow sufficiently no matter where they are grown. When container gardening, one needs to take into account the fact that containers dry out and heat up quicker than bed soil, so more water will be needed.
- Supplement water for container-grown tomatoes during dry morning hours each day, allowing the water to thoroughly soak the container. During extremely hot temperatures, containers may need watered again later in the day if the plant shows signs of stress.
- Tomatoes grow best when watered from below the foliage line, so use a spout-style watering can to water at the soil level when supplemented between rainfalls. Make sure that drainage holes work well and add more if needed. Tomatoes are susceptible to root rot and blight, two problems associated with wet roots and leaves.