Going Green
However, this problem opens doors to innovation and come up with new and green clean technologies to tackle the menace of Global warming. Technology Flow is vital for reducing CO2 emissions. Clean energy technologies are essential and should be available to the developing countries.
The immediate needs are - We need efficiency and energy conservation in all uses including vehicles, pumps, motors, lighting, air-conditioning, production of cement, steel etc, Carbon captive and storage, Alternative Energy "" Nuclear, wind, PV, fuel - cells, bio "" fuels, Reduced de-forestation and plant more trees.
Water could pose a larger threat than energy. Solutions lie in better management of existing water and other resources. Companies must move to a path for sustainable development. Our policies should include efficient water usage and reduction of water wastage in transmission. Similarly make water harvesting compulsory for all green areas and buildings.
Outlaw GLS lamps and promote the use of CFL, use only 4-5 star air conditioners, refrigerators, electric motors, transformers etc. Charge a high excise duty on energy inefficient products and Zero duty on energy efficient ones, use solar heating as far as possible.
Companies can also promote use of energy from waste. Encourage life style changes, temperature in offices should be kept between 24-25 degrees C, no neck-ties for Government Staff in summer, as in Japan.
Encourage the use of white colour roofs and facades and white colour vehicles, as they reflect light & heat and are cooler. Such vehicle, if air-conditioned gives better mileage.
Paharpur Business Centre was initiated with a vision to provide quality Serviced Offices based on principles of green architecture. With an outstanding Indoor Air Quality confirming to ASHRAE (American Society for Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers) Standards, the facility is rated as one of the healthiest building in Delhi, by Govt. of India, in a report.
Paharpur Business Centre is energy efficient facility and has been able to reduce energy consumption by 60% over the years. Energy conservation measures undertaken include:
Installation of Air Washer, Green House & Heat Recovery Wheel,
Use of Compact Fluorescent Light, Next Generation Tube lights & Electronic Chokes,
Installation of Green Mesh, Motion Sensors, Solar Films, Heat Reflecting Paints and Drip Irrigation.
Water Conservation practices followed at Paharpur Business Centre
Replacement of 27 flush valve based water closets (WC) in the building by cistern based 4/2 Liter WC
Replacement of 14 water based urinals by waterless urinals
Replacement of 29 washbasin water taps with sensor based taps
Placement of conductivity meter in the cooling tower water line to provide systematic and controlled bleed off
Use of hydroponic system for growing plants
Use of Native indoor plant species, we have total 1200 plants in the building
Use of soap free waste water from kitchen for Gardening and Vermi-compost pit
Use of Drip irrigation system for 140 plants in balconies