Layout and Design Considerations For Retirement Communities
Retirement communities are specifically targeted to people older than 65 who like to relocate to environment which focus on convenience and quality of life.
The special needs of this age bracket call for crucial thinking when planning elements of design layout of the facilities as well as the design of individual housing units and everyday spaces.
Practicalities Most customers will be keenly interested in the available facilities of your project.
Medical support is of prime importance, so if you don't plan to have a tertiary care medical facility within your compound, think about having a minimum of secondary or primary care readily accessible.
In these situations a well outfitted tertiary care hospital ought not to be too distant.
Commercial areas where residents can purchase necessities like food, prescriptions, and everyday household items should be incorporated.
Residents will appreciate easily accessible restaurants and cafes to break the monotony of home cooking.
Alternatively, a system which allows easy contact with shipping from outside establishments ought to be in position.
Age-specific Design Considerations.
Both everyday and private areas ought to be designed with the special needs of older people in mind.
Wider access paths are necessary when they must be negotiated with walkers, wheelchairs, or human assistance.
Warning and directional signs should be large and easy to read.
Pathways has to be designed with gentle slopes, non-slip surfaces, and frequent rest areas.
Seniors generally prefer one-story housing, yet, well maintained elevators of a good size are a satisfactory alternative.
Focused group discussions reveal that most people want wide airy spaces, with adequate lighting.
Numerous rails and handholds needs to be in position.
Doorknobs, window panes, drawers and cabinet pulls should all be easy to grasp for arthritic hands.
Social Design The social aspect is an essential consideration in these projects.
Gerontologic health is closely associated with social integration, so there has to be ample opportunities for residents to socialize.
This mandates not just such first level social areas such as clubhouse or frequent recreational and sports areas.
Though has to be put into designing common areas to boost socialization.
The major dilemma is how to balance appropriately interspersed social areas while maintaining a sense of spaciousness and privacy.
Housing that's too close together feels safer, but might be agoraphobic.
Domiciles that are too far apart make social calls tough as they discourage ambulation.
A balance must be struck between the importance of time alone and the need for interaction.
Aesthetics This is still an essential consideration, but should take a back seat to other concerns.
This does not mean that you ought to take the lazy route and choose institutionalized or ultraconservative design.
Don't forget that this industry is highly competitive and if all other things are equal, then the way your job looks will factor greatly in the success of the endeavor.
A stunning location is always a good beginning point.
Most seniors want retirement communities to be somewhere warm, preferably in proximity to lakes or the ocean.
That being said, an attractive mountainous region will probably hold some appeal.
Though a somewhat conservative overall feel may save yourself from alienating individuals of an earlier generation, there is one thing to be said about the excitement that can be generated by a modern design.
Remember that good taste transcends age and upbringing.