Springtime Plantings
While this article is based on zones that are temperate in climatic conditions, you can just adjust according to where you live if it is in colder zones.
Spring planting involves anything from your annuals that beautify your garden beds and yards to trees and bushes that will be with you for years to come.
The following are suggestions that you may also use as a check list.
Roses This is the time to plant new ones - aim for those that have good fragrance.
Don't prune your new roses until they have had a good chance to become well established - this may, with many roses, mean no pruning in the first year - other than light cutting to remove dead flowers and buds.
Roses are hungry feeders - so keep well composted and mulched and feed as they form buds.
To reduce the incidence of blackspot infestation this is the time to do your spraying - on the first flush of foliage - with either triforine or neem oil (organic).
Repeat three time with about a week to 10 days between sprayings.
This should help you maintain good control.
Repeat more when you see them reappear - or do it at least twice in early to mid summer and again in late summer.
Don't forget to remove to the trash bin any infected leaves on the bush or on the ground underneath.
Trees Of course, the best time to plant deciduous trees and bushes in is the winter when they are still dormant; but it is not too late to put them into the ground in the spring.
If you are in a snow and ice zone, spring is your time - just make sure the last frosts are finished and the ground has started to warm up.
Vegetables Check with your local nursery to see what is available and most suitable for your area.
Make sure your soil is well composted and that you have a supply of mulch ready to lay down after you have planted your favourite veggies.
Consider using square foot gardening for them - you will probably get better production.
Lack space? Try planting lettuce around the edges of your flowering garden beds.
If you have had trees and bushes that flowered in the winter (e.
wattles) prune them if you haven't after the flowering finished.
Exception being azaleas and camellias - these are best pruned and fed just before summer starts.
(November in the Southern hemisphere) As you see the leaves appear again on your trees, enjoy your spring plantings with anticipation of loads of color and fragrance.