A Healthcare Plan That Extends Life & Saves $3.7 Trillion
7 trillion dollars and add 29 years to your life.
A technology-based fix to healthcare with the potential to: 1.
Introduce a wellness-oriented model for healthcare 2.
Increase the lifespan of all Americans by 29+ years 3.
Slash healthcare costs, saving $3.
7 Trillion Wellness-Oriented Healthcare Model Healthcare that's centered around wellness, instead of disease, is the only type of reform that makes sense.
An ounce of prevention goes along way towards cutting costs and saving money.
For example, providing every American with 1000 IU/day of vitamin D, at a cost of $1 billion per year, could cut direct healthcare costs by $50 billion.
A wellness model of healthcare is a low cost, high yield reform plan according to the A4M.
Endorsed by 35 professional medical organizations and educational institutions, A4M's wellness plan was developed by thousands of physicians, scientists, and health practitioners from 110 nations.
It's a 12 point "...
actionable healthcare plan providing practical solutions to reform and advance healthcare in the United States, while addressing the challenges of global aging.
" The wellness plan includes the following 12 action steps to initiate over the next 3 years: 1.
Biomarkers of Aging and Health Measurement 2.
Free Biannual Comprehensive Metabolic Testing 3.
Aging Intervention Drugs 4.
Stem Cells, Nanotechnology, Genetic Engineering 5.
Personalized Genetic Testing and Nutrigenomics 6.
Free/Subsidized Access to Gym, Spa, Detoxification, and Physical Rehabilitation Facilities 7.
24/7 Telemedicine Consultation Access 8.
Point of Care (POC) Laboratory Testing 9.
Free Online Medical Education 10.
Online Electronic Database on Aging Intervention 11.
The Leisure Class 12.
The World Center for Anti-Aging Medicine Increase the Human Lifespan...
by 29 Years! A wellness-oriented model not only prevents disease, but also optimizes our health and wellness by integrating traditional medicine with innovative anti-aging technologies.
The wellness plan cuts cost and saves money in two distinct ways: first, people get sick less.
Second, people do better when they are sick (shorter hospital stays, for instance).
The 12 action steps are projected to extend the healthy human lifespan by 29 years.
For example, stem cell research and nanotechnology could add an additional 4-12 healthy years to your life and save $197 billion dollars.
That's a huge return on the investment in a wellness healthcare reform plan.
Current reform plans don't even come close.
Slash Healthcare Costs Anti-aging strategies are an integral part of a wellness-oriented healthcare reform plan.
However, increasing longevity is not the only objective.
We also need to improve each individual's quality of life.
A higher quality of health and wellness is a dramatic way to cut costs.
Nutritional supplements (and insurance coverage), subsidized access to gyms, and hormone restoration--three anti-aging strategies that we can easily initiate and start slashing costs today.
Summary The elements of The Twelve-Point Plan will significantly improve and extend the healthy human lifespan.
Each of the points of this Program will also deliver a profound net economic savings via three major mechanisms: 1.
Conservation of worker productivity 2.
Reduction of disability and hospitalization costs 3.
Reduction of the burden of costs associated with chronic long-term medical conditions.