Learning to Listen to Your Man
Every man has a yearning for understanding from his woman.
The best way for her to understand is for her to listen.
Even when she does not initially agree with what he's communicating, she should still strive for understanding.
Common synonyms for the term "understand" are: appreciate, know, recognize, comprehend, realize, value, identify with, and be aware of.
Women have a very bad habit of listening to what appeases them, and wonder why men tend to do the same.
Ladies, we have got to get out of that "me, me, me", mentality.
It's time to learn to listen to your man, (that is, if you really want to get to know him).
It's a proven fact that women possess a niche for conversation.
We can talk for hours on the phone about the latest Soaps; we can blab to our co-workers about the latest inner office gossip, we can even talk the ear of our mates off about meaningless and trivial things that will not enhance the quality of our union.
Engaging in pointless conversation with him can be very risky and has proven to be very dangerous.
A good man recognizes a good woman when he sees her.
A good woman knows what to bring to the table of their lives, and what to leave out the door.
Be mindful of his time, and mental energy.
Show him that you are more than the average woman.
Distinguish yourself, and let your integrity shine.
In the midst of this learn and master the Art of Listening.
Being an in tuned, active listener requires you to do more than sit near with an anxious spirit awaiting "your turn".
True, there are plenty of men who don't ever really say what they feel.
In those cases, the woman has to pay even closer attention to what her man is conveying through his other forms of communication.
Learn to listen with your heart and not just your ears.
He'll tell you what he needs you to know, even if he never says a word.
If you're the type to always complain to your man, "you don't listen to me," or the famous, "you don't talk to me"...
ask yourself, "Do I really pay attention to him when we're together, and while we are apart? "How do I make him feel?" If those questions are considered honestly, than the learning can truly begin.
Ask him, "Honey, do I make you feel like a man?" He's Still A Man Everybody knows that women love to be held close right? Well, did anyone know that men like to be held too? Taking a man and holding him tightly does something incredibly amazing for his soul.
It induces a gentle release.
Sometimes, the noise in life gets too loud and it's difficult to for him to find a resting place.
Show him that the safest place in the world is right there in your embrace.
Sometimes he's dealing with things that he does not know how to express to you simply because he does not know how you're going to take them.
He does not want to be looked down upon, and or judged.
He needs to know that no matter what happens he will always be respected as a man.
So many women take the man's outward expression of emotion to be a weakness.
They have this misconception that he is incapable of enduring pain if he opens up about what hurts him.
Because little boys are taught to suck it up, never cry, and never let the world see when they are aching.
Naturally they grow up with this hard seemingly impenetrable outer core that will not allow them to simply "say" what they feel.
You've got to show him that you will never regard him as the world does.
He needs to come to a level of security in you, just as you need to reach that point in him.
The Bottom Line When you sincerely take the time to listen to your man, you will find his comfort level increase in you.
There will be an air of freedom between you, which will minimize altercations, and provide room for better communication in other areas of your lives.
Understand that a man cannot completely love a woman that he cannot trust.
He will learn to trust her once he feels like he can be open with her.
If by chance a man feels like what he pours into her, she is pouring out into the world (spreading their business), then he may be forced to restrain himself from being as open with her as he possibly could.
If he feels that you are with him, not just physically and emotionally, but mentally and are willing to protect the integrity of your relationship...
then the possibilities for your love to grow are endless.
Understanding where he's been, appreciating where he's at and supporting where he's going will keep the two of you aligned.
Let him be free with you and do not adjudicate him when he does.
He does not want to feel like he's being put on trial when he's conversing with you.
Lend your opinion only when he asks you to provide feedback.
And when he does express a concern to you, do what you can to assist him in easing the frustration.
Electing to do nothing can be just as harmful as saying too much.
Watch your mouth when you speak to him.
A man's pride is very delicate...
But delicate and must always be handled with care.
Take careful care of what you say to him and how you respond when he expresses something to you.
Don't push him, just simply let him flow.
And know that even when his lips are not moving, he is silently asking you to listen.
The best way for her to understand is for her to listen.
Even when she does not initially agree with what he's communicating, she should still strive for understanding.
Common synonyms for the term "understand" are: appreciate, know, recognize, comprehend, realize, value, identify with, and be aware of.
Women have a very bad habit of listening to what appeases them, and wonder why men tend to do the same.
Ladies, we have got to get out of that "me, me, me", mentality.
It's time to learn to listen to your man, (that is, if you really want to get to know him).
It's a proven fact that women possess a niche for conversation.
We can talk for hours on the phone about the latest Soaps; we can blab to our co-workers about the latest inner office gossip, we can even talk the ear of our mates off about meaningless and trivial things that will not enhance the quality of our union.
Engaging in pointless conversation with him can be very risky and has proven to be very dangerous.
A good man recognizes a good woman when he sees her.
A good woman knows what to bring to the table of their lives, and what to leave out the door.
Be mindful of his time, and mental energy.
Show him that you are more than the average woman.
Distinguish yourself, and let your integrity shine.
In the midst of this learn and master the Art of Listening.
Being an in tuned, active listener requires you to do more than sit near with an anxious spirit awaiting "your turn".
True, there are plenty of men who don't ever really say what they feel.
In those cases, the woman has to pay even closer attention to what her man is conveying through his other forms of communication.
Learn to listen with your heart and not just your ears.
He'll tell you what he needs you to know, even if he never says a word.
If you're the type to always complain to your man, "you don't listen to me," or the famous, "you don't talk to me"...
ask yourself, "Do I really pay attention to him when we're together, and while we are apart? "How do I make him feel?" If those questions are considered honestly, than the learning can truly begin.
Ask him, "Honey, do I make you feel like a man?" He's Still A Man Everybody knows that women love to be held close right? Well, did anyone know that men like to be held too? Taking a man and holding him tightly does something incredibly amazing for his soul.
It induces a gentle release.
Sometimes, the noise in life gets too loud and it's difficult to for him to find a resting place.
Show him that the safest place in the world is right there in your embrace.
Sometimes he's dealing with things that he does not know how to express to you simply because he does not know how you're going to take them.
He does not want to be looked down upon, and or judged.
He needs to know that no matter what happens he will always be respected as a man.
So many women take the man's outward expression of emotion to be a weakness.
They have this misconception that he is incapable of enduring pain if he opens up about what hurts him.
Because little boys are taught to suck it up, never cry, and never let the world see when they are aching.
Naturally they grow up with this hard seemingly impenetrable outer core that will not allow them to simply "say" what they feel.
You've got to show him that you will never regard him as the world does.
He needs to come to a level of security in you, just as you need to reach that point in him.
The Bottom Line When you sincerely take the time to listen to your man, you will find his comfort level increase in you.
There will be an air of freedom between you, which will minimize altercations, and provide room for better communication in other areas of your lives.
Understand that a man cannot completely love a woman that he cannot trust.
He will learn to trust her once he feels like he can be open with her.
If by chance a man feels like what he pours into her, she is pouring out into the world (spreading their business), then he may be forced to restrain himself from being as open with her as he possibly could.
If he feels that you are with him, not just physically and emotionally, but mentally and are willing to protect the integrity of your relationship...
then the possibilities for your love to grow are endless.
Understanding where he's been, appreciating where he's at and supporting where he's going will keep the two of you aligned.
Let him be free with you and do not adjudicate him when he does.
He does not want to feel like he's being put on trial when he's conversing with you.
Lend your opinion only when he asks you to provide feedback.
And when he does express a concern to you, do what you can to assist him in easing the frustration.
Electing to do nothing can be just as harmful as saying too much.
Watch your mouth when you speak to him.
A man's pride is very delicate...
But delicate and must always be handled with care.
Take careful care of what you say to him and how you respond when he expresses something to you.
Don't push him, just simply let him flow.
And know that even when his lips are not moving, he is silently asking you to listen.