Treating Erectile Dysfunction In Diabetics: Can Gene Therapy Equalize Viagra Efficacy?
Male erectile dysfunction caused by the occurrence of diabetes has been crippling the sex lives of men since a very long time and the FDA approved anti-impotency medicines like Viagra have also been proved worthwhile as a counter measure.
The success of the experimentation on rats in indeed a good augury as it predicts the emergence of an alternative to Viagra in the medicinal market in the days to come.
But haven’t this thought ever crossed your head that it would be too early to comment that the newly discovered erectile dysfunction treatment would emerge as a better and more effective caretaker of man’s erectile functions than Viagra? In the erectile dysfunction drug market, Viagra has gained consideration as an effective form of cure since its approval by Food and Drugs Administration, USA (FDA) on 27th March, 1998 as the first oral medication to treat male impotency.
To throw more light on Viagra it is to be mentioned to you that it is the first orally administered anti-impotency medication approved by FDA.
It is always better to shift to a more reliable form of treatment and as such if in the future this newly discovered cure shows brilliant results in the erectile dysfunction drug market it should be preferred over any other medicine including Viagra.
But now gene therapy is in its nascent stage and has been proved successful only in rats, not humans.
The experiment of gene therapy on rats was conducted by researcher Jesse Mills at University of Colorado Health Sciences Centre, in Denver with the help of his team of doctors.
Initially, symptoms similar to diabetes were developed in male rats and thereafter the group injected a specific type of gene in the penises of the animals which is typically involved in the development of a chemical that facilitates erections.
As the testing came to a close, it appeared that erectile pressure significantly increased in the experimented rats which further made the success of gene therapy in rats visibly apparent.
The successful outcome of this experiment is indeed congratulatory but it in no way upholds the conviction that gene therapy is capable of providing the same relief to human beings.
So, without gene therapy proving successful in human beings if you try to get hold if the treatment as a solution to your impotency problem then it would be nothing but the showcasing of irresponsible behavior which is at all not the result of any conscious thought.
After getting hold of the pros and cons of gene therapy, are you in mood to opt for this cure once you fall in the grip of impotency? You can unhesitatingly opt for this novel treatment only when it proves clinically effective against male erectile dysfunction.
But till then Viagra is your only solace.