The Place of Men & Women As Pastors and Teachers in the Church
Who is being addressed in this Bible passage? Eph.
4:8 "Wherefore he said, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men.
" Does this verse say that men only receive these gifts mentioned in Eph.
4:11 or does it say that men and women receive these gifts? A careful study of the Word of God will reveal the truth.
The Greek word for men in this verse is: anthrMpos which means and is translated human being whether male or female sometimes and male only many times.
The word men in this verse in the Greek form is anthropos, which is a male noun.
There is also a Greek word for women called: gyn, which is not used in this passage of scripture.
So how do we really know the definition of the word men in this verse? Does the word mean male only or male and female? Well we have an advantage in this particular verse because it is a direct quotation from Psalms 68:18.
The Hebrew word for men in this verse is Adam and the translation is man.
In Genesis 2:20 this Hebrew word is translated Adam.
In Genesis 2:18 it is translated man.
In Genesis 1:27 God created man male and female.
The reason why the Hebrew word Adam was used here is because woman was inside of man so Adam was considered a masculine being of one person and could be called a single man at this point.
The Hebrew word for man in the book of Genesis is a masculine noun.
This Hebrew word for man is for men primarily and is addressed towards the man.
There is a Hebrew word for woman called: ishshah and means female, wife and woman which is a feminine noun.
It is very easy now to see that this verse is addressing men only in the body of Christ.
This verse is directed towards some of the men in the body of Christ and not all of the men.
4:11 "And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;" There is another way to show that Eph.
4:11 is addressed to men only.
Knowing that there are no contradictions in the Bible or else God would be a liar and realizing that no verse in the Bible cancels out another verse we can look to the foundational passage of scripture on the men and women's role in the book of First Timothy to get more clarification.
First Timothy 2:12 "But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
" This verse is foundational and explains the men and women's role in the life of the believer on the Lord Jesus Christ.
How do we know that this verse is foundational because God said that it is? Look at: 1 Tim.
2:13 "For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
" and you will see that God is directing our attention to the very beginning of creation on how He meant things to be with man and woman.
Adam was made first and therefore has authority over the woman and has received special gifts of teaching and logic to rule the Kingdom of God here on earth with his wife in submission to him.
The second was meant to be subject to the first.
This is the way God meant for Christians to relate one to another.
Older women teach younger women (Titus 2:3-4) but they do not teach men.
Since women do not have authority over men and do not teach men they the five offices mentioned in Eph.
4:11 are for men only because apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers all have authority over the body of Christ and teach the whole church (men and women) as well.
God Bless all who love the truth!