How Do You Select A Qualified Personal Injury Attorney?
Normally, most people in the personal injury litigation process and initially without a past or present attorney and therefore turn to advertisements to select an attorney.
Most litigation candidates (in Alaska) will normally select an Alaska injury attorney with experience, free consultation and someone who works on a "no award, no fee" basis.
Having done this, the initial consultation takes place where the client and injury attorney will sign a retainer agreement.
Normally, fees for an automobile accident are thirty three and one third percent and fees for a slip and fall accident is 40 percent.
Where there is an automobile accident there is usually a police report generated which provides a ready-made investigation of the facts and sometimes of liability as well.
Also at the time of the initial consultation, the client will need to sign additional forms such as medical authorization so that the Alaska injury attorney may request medical records and bills to prove the damages issue of the claim and depending on jurisdiction, other forms may be necessary.
If the claimant is employed at the time of the accident then a wage loss form is given to the client to bring to his or her employer for completion.
After the initial consultation the attorney will customarily send a letter of representation to the person or entity responsible for the client's injury.
This letter will request that the person or entity make his or her insurance company aware of the pending claim so that the insurance peoples also have an opportunity to investigate the facts, circumstances and possible damages of the claim.
Most importantly, you do not want to sue someone without coverage because, more often than not, the resulting resolution of the case is without a monetary recovery.