How to Make a Large Orange Poppy for Centerpieces
- 1). Cut out five 8-inch circles from orange tissue paper. Make 1-inch-wide accordian-style folds in four of the circles. Unfold the papers, giving the circles a ribbed surface.
- 2). Cut a fringe around the perimeter of the unfolded 8-inch orange circle; the cuts of the fringe should measure 2 inches in length. Place the circle flat on a work surface. Curl the tips of the fringe in toward the center by rolling the ends of the paper around a pencil.
- 3). Hold one end of an 18-inch willow withy in your hand. Alternatively, use a 1/4-inch-thick bamboo shoot of the same length instead of a withy. Position one of the ribbed orange circles around the end of withy or shoot so the creased edges are parallel to the stem. Gather the bottom of the circle -- use approximately 1 inch -- and cup it around the stem. Wrap green floral tape around the paper and the stem to keep them in place. Cover all of the orange paper surrounding the stem with green floral tape.
- 4). Add a second orange circle to the side opposite of the first one. Use the same method of cupping the base around the stem and wrapping it with floral tape. Repeat the technique with the remaining two circles. Add these to the space between the first two orange circles to form a cup-shaped poppy flower.
- 5). Wrap green floral tape down the length of the withy, if the withy is a brown color; you don’t need to cover if it is naturally green.
- 6). Position the fringed circle inside of the paper poppy so the fringe is at the top. Use hot glue to secure the base of the fringed circle to the rest of the paper poppy.
- 7). Add the oversized paper poppy to a tall, wide vase. The container should be stable and visually balancing to use as a centerpiece with a flower of this size.