Are Crows Feet Botox Treatments Really Effective?
There has been a lot of controversy surrounding the use of collagen and Botox injections over the years, and with good reason. Injected collagen runs the risk of allergic reactions, and immune system dysfunction because the collagen that is derived for the treatments isn't derived from humans. It comes mainly from cattle, swine, and chickens.
One major problem that you could come across with animal derived collagen is that if the animal was improperly tested for diseases transferable to humans then you could be at risk. Mad cow disease with your treatment today Mrs. Smith? There are also problems associated with crows feet Botox treatments that have caused many a concern throughout the medical profession.
What happens when they give you one of these treatments is that the injected compound paralyzes the muscle in the area where you are having the problem. Once paralyzed the muscle sags, and pulls on the skin that covers it which effectively smooths out the fine lines and wrinkles. It is a clinical procedure because there has to be a great deal of precision used.
Now there is somewhat of an uproar over the use of crows feet Botox alternatives in over the counter creams. Now I have already stated that the treatment has to be very precise in order not to affect the wrong muscle groups, which could simply worsen your appearance. People should not be allowed to use a formula at home that causes paralysis of the facial muscles, because problems are bound to occur.
As a matter of fact the Food and Drug Administration, which oversees the cosmetics industry here, has told the creators of these alternative creams that if their products are truly having the same effect as Botox then they we going to classify the ingredient as a drug, and ban it to clinical use only. This is how serious the problems related to these compounds really are.
If you want to get the same wrinkle reducing effect as crows feet Botox treatments without any of the danger, then what you should try as a healthy alternative are products that contain the ingredients Functional Keratin, and Phytessence Wakame sea kelp extract. What these will do is increase the amount of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid that is in your skin.
So there you have it. As these foundational tissues significantly increase you will see a remarkable change in your appearance. It will not exactly happen overnight but it will happen, and when you are back to looking young again it's easy and inexpensive to stay that way. Leave the crows feet Botox treatments alone, and try the safe alternative that will have you looking better than you ever dared dream.