How to Drill Under Driveways and Walkways
- 1). Dig a trench that runs perpendicular to the sidewalk or driveway that measures 2 feet deep and 2 feet longer than the width of the sidewalk or driveway.
- 2). Cut a 4-inch-diameter PVC pipe to a length approximately 1-foot longer than the width of the driveway or sidewalk. Cut one end of the pipe at a 45-degree angle with a reciprocating saw.
- 3). Place the pointy tip of the PVC pipe against the end of the trench facing your driveway or sidewalk.
- 4). Pound the PVC pipe into the dirt approximately 3 to 6 inches with a sledgehammer and a piece of scrap wood on the end of the pipe, and then pull the PVC pipe back out of the hole. Empty the dirt out of the pipe.
- 5). Slide the pipe back into the hole with the pointy end rotated to a different spot and then hammer the pipe into the hole another 3 to 6 inches. Pull the pipe out and empty it. Repeat this until you get to the other side of the driveway or sidewalk.
- 6). Use a pressure washer fitted with a "zero degree" tip on the wand if the soil under the sidewalk or driveway is not rocky or compacted. A zero degree tip shoots a straight shot of pressurized water that will create a hole in the dirt large enough for wiring or small pipes. Position the tip of the pressure washer at the end of the trench so it faces the driveway or sidewalk and then pull the trigger. Hold the wand steady as it loosens the dirt and flushes it out. Empty water from the trench with a bucket as the trench fills up with water and sediment. Keep the trench as empty as possible as you work to help minimize the mess created by the muddy water. Continue cutting until the pressurized water reaches the other side of the sidewalk or driveway.