Can Tummy Tuck Jeans Replace Surgery?
Blue jeans are classic wardrobe staples but pants that have tummy tuck abilities built in are like a dream come true! The most common figure flaw complaint of women everywhere is a bit too much poundage in the belly area.
An abdominoplasty is the surgical method for flattening the abs but now there are pants that claim to do a similar job of slimming the midsection.
What exactly are these denim wonders; where did they come from; and most importantly, do they work? Tummy tuck jeans were invented by a middle aged Latina woman who was having a hard time finding pants that fit her body.
She soon learned, after talking with friends and others in her age group, that many had the same problem.
It seems that the fashion designers were making the styles low-cut and tight which was more appropriate for younger women or else too baggy to be considered appealing.
What's a middle aged female to do? Well, this one created her own fashion apparel style.
Not only are these pants flattering and attractive, but they have girdle-like tendencies which can hold the stomach in and even lift up the buttocks in order to improve the feminine physique.
In addition to being good looking, they are reported to be comfortable.
Many wearers swear by these pants.
Even television stars such as Oprah have given a stamp of approval to this sleek denim wear.
Many major department stores, such as Nordstrom, have them available for sale.
One of the best ways to find out if they work is to go and try a pair of them on.
The surgical alternative is a procedure which would be performed by a plastic surgeon in a hospital and require an overnight stay.
This cosmetic operation is popular with both men and women who desire the flat abs which look so alluring in a bathing suit or any type of clothing.
During an abdominoplasty, a surgeon would remove excess skin and fatty tissue in the belly region and tighten up the inner girdle of connective tissue, as well.
The inner girdle holds all of the body's organs in place and when it becomes stretched out, protrusion occurs.
The belly button will often need to be relocated during the procedure in order to keep it in a natural appearing central spot on the midsection.
Drains will be placed and left for a few weeks post-op in order to get rid of excess fluid during healing.
A compression garment or abdominal binder will need to be worn for several weeks, as well.
There are pros and cons to surgery and to the tummy tuck jeans.
The jeans are easier and cheaper but the abdominoplasty would make the slender look permanent and transferable to all clothes.
An abdominoplasty is the surgical method for flattening the abs but now there are pants that claim to do a similar job of slimming the midsection.
What exactly are these denim wonders; where did they come from; and most importantly, do they work? Tummy tuck jeans were invented by a middle aged Latina woman who was having a hard time finding pants that fit her body.
She soon learned, after talking with friends and others in her age group, that many had the same problem.
It seems that the fashion designers were making the styles low-cut and tight which was more appropriate for younger women or else too baggy to be considered appealing.
What's a middle aged female to do? Well, this one created her own fashion apparel style.
Not only are these pants flattering and attractive, but they have girdle-like tendencies which can hold the stomach in and even lift up the buttocks in order to improve the feminine physique.
In addition to being good looking, they are reported to be comfortable.
Many wearers swear by these pants.
Even television stars such as Oprah have given a stamp of approval to this sleek denim wear.
Many major department stores, such as Nordstrom, have them available for sale.
One of the best ways to find out if they work is to go and try a pair of them on.
The surgical alternative is a procedure which would be performed by a plastic surgeon in a hospital and require an overnight stay.
This cosmetic operation is popular with both men and women who desire the flat abs which look so alluring in a bathing suit or any type of clothing.
During an abdominoplasty, a surgeon would remove excess skin and fatty tissue in the belly region and tighten up the inner girdle of connective tissue, as well.
The inner girdle holds all of the body's organs in place and when it becomes stretched out, protrusion occurs.
The belly button will often need to be relocated during the procedure in order to keep it in a natural appearing central spot on the midsection.
Drains will be placed and left for a few weeks post-op in order to get rid of excess fluid during healing.
A compression garment or abdominal binder will need to be worn for several weeks, as well.
There are pros and cons to surgery and to the tummy tuck jeans.
The jeans are easier and cheaper but the abdominoplasty would make the slender look permanent and transferable to all clothes.