Natural Treatments for Ear Infections in Dogs
- Three types of ear infections in dogs are:
1. Ear infections caused by ear mites (Otodectes cynotis), foxtails or other foreign bodies in the ear canal
2. Acute, occasional ear infections that are easily treatable--includes minor injury (such as a scratch) in or near the ear canal, bacterial infections
3. Chronic, ongoing ear infections--includes candida (yeast) infection, chronic bacterial infections, allergies and hormone anomalies such as hypothyroidism - Symptoms include head shaking, excessive scratching of the ear, pain, swelling, strong odor, thick buildup of wax and ear sensitivity. The dog may hold its head to one side, become dizzy and/or vomit.
- For treating ear mites, natural remedies include yellow dock tea, oregano, mullein and garlic and Oregon grape. For acute and chronic infections, natural treatments include coconut oil, neem oil, calendula and sea salt, mullein and garlic oil, Oregon grape, echinacea and green tea.
- Yellow Dock Tea: Add one 1 tbsp. of dry yellow dock to ½ cup of boiling water. Cool and strain. Apply ½ dropper twice per day into both ears.
Green tea: Add two teabags or tsps. of green tea to 8 oz. of boiling water. Steep for 15 minutes, strain and flush the ears twice per day.
Calendula and sea salt: Into one cup of distilled water, combine ½ tsp. of sea salt and 1 tsp. of calendula tincture. Flush the affected ear once or twice per day.
Mullein and garlic oil: Mix equal parts of garlic oil and mullein oil. Per 1 oz. of the oil mixture, combine 10 to 20 drops of vitamin E oil or olive oil. Gently massage the affected ear as needed until infection has cleared.
Oregon grape: Make an oil infusion of this herb and apply 1 to 10 drops in both ears once or twice per day until infection has cleared.
Echinacea: Tincture, tablets or tea may be given to strengthen the dog's immune system. - Regular cleaning of the dog's ears with a vinegar wash will help prevent ear mites and infections. Also, strengthen the dog's immune system with vitamin C and/or echinacea to ward off infection, as well as prevent ear mites.