Your New Mantra - I Want My Ex Back
Getting over a breakup much? You've crossed out all possible steps to move on: writing every blog entry about your ex, going back to the things you love, getting creative with a new hobby, giving him the cold shoulder, crying your heart out to release all those frustrations, testing the waters for other and much bigger fishies, and the list goes on.
But no matter how hard you tell yourself to get over it already, nothing works.
When this happens, you better rethink what you really want out of the situation.
If getting over the ex-boyfriend is as close to impossible as getting caught wearing a tacky metallic 80's outfit, you need a new mantra in life: I want my ex back! If the only way to keep you from getting restless all over is the sight of your man next to you as you wake up, say it with me, I want my ex back! If you think that you can give this guy another shot, and if you feel that you wouldn't have a relationship in any other way, it's high time that you conjure up your best game plan yet-Operation I want my ex back.
So put all those breakup paraphernalia back to their shelves and top your things-to-do's with, I want my ex back.