Clinical Response of Iodine Therapy As a Function of Genotype of the Virus in Chronic Hepatitis C Pa
Results and discussion.
The design of clinical trials of the drug "Renaissance" is shown in Figure 1.
All patients had antibodies to the nonstructural proteins (anti-NS), then the phase is characterized by acute and chronic stage to determine disease. All the patients had anti-HCV Ig class M, which does not reveal latent phase; therefore, all patients had stage reactivation.
Results and discussion.
The design of clinical trials of the drug "Renaissance" is shown in Figure 1.
Genotyping of hepatitis C virus was performed in all patients. Found that among patients selected for treatment in the majority only observed genotype 2 HCV - and mostly detected genotype - 1b in fewer patients 3 ab genotype detected. Genotype 2a was not detected.
Genetic affiliation HCV-RNA patients studied is shown in Figure 2.
Fig.2. The percentage of genotype HCV-PHA patients studied.
In the course of genetic analysis revealed that the distribution of combinations of C and T alleles at rs12979860 in patients with genotype 1 hepatitis C had the following picture: in 42.7% of cases reported favorable CC genotype, 35.9% in the unfavorable genotype CT and 21.4% unfavorable TT genotype of the polymorphism (Fig. 3).
Fig.3 Distribution combinations C and T alleles at rs12979860 patients with genotype 1 viral hepatitis C (n = 37).
A distribution of combinations of alleles G and T at rs8099917 in patients with genotype 1 viral hepatitis C, in 45% of cases recorded favorable genotype TT, 50% unfavorable genotype GT and 5% unfavorable GG genotype of the polymorphism (Fig. 4).
Figure 4. Distribution of combinations of C and T alleles at rs8099917 in patients with genotype 1 viral hepatitis C (n = 37).
In general, the analysis of blood, coagulation of significant changes in comparison with the original data is not revealed. This indirectly confirms the absence of toxic effects of the drug on the body.
In carrying out the standard antiviral therapy with interferon and ribavirin in a study conducted in Australia in 2008 found that in patients with viral hepatitis C, is developing interferon-induced autoimmune thyroiditis. The development of this disease goes through several phases:
Phase 1 - hyperthyroidism
Phase 2 - Plateau (eutioreoz)
Phase 3 - hypothyroidism.
The scheme of thyroid pathology in conducting a standard OEM, depending on the timing of treatment is shown in Figure 5.
.5. The natural history of interferon-a2 b-induced thyroiditis and its exclusivity in a cohort of patients with chronic hepatitis C infection.
From the 1Hunter Area Pathology Service, Newcastle University and 2Hepatitis C Service, Gastroenterology Department, John Hunter Hospital, Locked Bag Number 1, Hunter Mail RegionCentre, Newcastle, New South Wales 2310, Australia Received 8 August 2008 and in revised form 13 October 2008.
Average fluctuations in thyroid hormones are in the application in the treatment of viral hepatitis C drug "renaissance" are shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6. The mean values of vibration titeotropnogo pituitary hormone (TSH) and thyroid cancer - free T4 and free T3.N = 381 Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds, 8 years of observation.
In the treatment of patients with viral hepatitis C drug "Renaissance" clinically significant changes in thyroid hormones after 8 years was observed.
1. Grandfathers II, Troshina EA, YUSHKOV PY, GF Aleksandrov, A. Buchman, IGNATKOV VJ Diagnosis of diseases of the thyroid gland. Publishing House Vidar, 2001.
2. Attia J, Ioannidis JP, Thakkinstian A et al. How to use an article about genetic association: a: background concepts. JAMA 2009; 301: 74 - 81.
3. Ivashkin VT, Mammaev SN Lukin, E. and other features of immune response in patients with chronic hepatitis C. / / Rus. Journal. gastroenterol. „- 3.-2001.-P.24-29.
The design of clinical trials of the drug "Renaissance" is shown in Figure 1.
All patients had antibodies to the nonstructural proteins (anti-NS), then the phase is characterized by acute and chronic stage to determine disease. All the patients had anti-HCV Ig class M, which does not reveal latent phase; therefore, all patients had stage reactivation.
Results and discussion.
The design of clinical trials of the drug "Renaissance" is shown in Figure 1.
Genotyping of hepatitis C virus was performed in all patients. Found that among patients selected for treatment in the majority only observed genotype 2 HCV - and mostly detected genotype - 1b in fewer patients 3 ab genotype detected. Genotype 2a was not detected.
Genetic affiliation HCV-RNA patients studied is shown in Figure 2.
Fig.2. The percentage of genotype HCV-PHA patients studied.
In the course of genetic analysis revealed that the distribution of combinations of C and T alleles at rs12979860 in patients with genotype 1 hepatitis C had the following picture: in 42.7% of cases reported favorable CC genotype, 35.9% in the unfavorable genotype CT and 21.4% unfavorable TT genotype of the polymorphism (Fig. 3).
Fig.3 Distribution combinations C and T alleles at rs12979860 patients with genotype 1 viral hepatitis C (n = 37).
A distribution of combinations of alleles G and T at rs8099917 in patients with genotype 1 viral hepatitis C, in 45% of cases recorded favorable genotype TT, 50% unfavorable genotype GT and 5% unfavorable GG genotype of the polymorphism (Fig. 4).
Figure 4. Distribution of combinations of C and T alleles at rs8099917 in patients with genotype 1 viral hepatitis C (n = 37).
In general, the analysis of blood, coagulation of significant changes in comparison with the original data is not revealed. This indirectly confirms the absence of toxic effects of the drug on the body.
In carrying out the standard antiviral therapy with interferon and ribavirin in a study conducted in Australia in 2008 found that in patients with viral hepatitis C, is developing interferon-induced autoimmune thyroiditis. The development of this disease goes through several phases:
Phase 1 - hyperthyroidism
Phase 2 - Plateau (eutioreoz)
Phase 3 - hypothyroidism.
The scheme of thyroid pathology in conducting a standard OEM, depending on the timing of treatment is shown in Figure 5.
.5. The natural history of interferon-a2 b-induced thyroiditis and its exclusivity in a cohort of patients with chronic hepatitis C infection.
From the 1Hunter Area Pathology Service, Newcastle University and 2Hepatitis C Service, Gastroenterology Department, John Hunter Hospital, Locked Bag Number 1, Hunter Mail RegionCentre, Newcastle, New South Wales 2310, Australia Received 8 August 2008 and in revised form 13 October 2008.
Average fluctuations in thyroid hormones are in the application in the treatment of viral hepatitis C drug "renaissance" are shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6. The mean values of vibration titeotropnogo pituitary hormone (TSH) and thyroid cancer - free T4 and free T3.N = 381 Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds, 8 years of observation.
In the treatment of patients with viral hepatitis C drug "Renaissance" clinically significant changes in thyroid hormones after 8 years was observed.
1. Grandfathers II, Troshina EA, YUSHKOV PY, GF Aleksandrov, A. Buchman, IGNATKOV VJ Diagnosis of diseases of the thyroid gland. Publishing House Vidar, 2001.
2. Attia J, Ioannidis JP, Thakkinstian A et al. How to use an article about genetic association: a: background concepts. JAMA 2009; 301: 74 - 81.
3. Ivashkin VT, Mammaev SN Lukin, E. and other features of immune response in patients with chronic hepatitis C. / / Rus. Journal. gastroenterol. „- 3.-2001.-P.24-29.