Protect Your Automobile Consumer Rights
How do you know for sure if you have a lemon and how did you get stuck with it? Anybody can get stuck with a lemon car or truck, it is not anything you did. Sometimes every individual car or truck will be declared a lemon and the company will stop making them. This is not usually the case but it has happened. Maybe you heard of the Edsel or Corvair? These losers were being manufactured way before any lemon laws were even thought of.
The best use of a lemon law is to keep consumers safe. So if a car or truck or motorcycle can't be fixed up so it as good as a new vehicle under warranty it might be unsafe and you should really try to get your money back or get a replacement under your state lemon law.
There really is no way to protect yourself from ever getting stuck with a lemon. It can happen to anyone at any time. And it is so disappointing to buy a new car and have it turn out to be a lemon. You just cannot believe it is happening to you. The lemon law is written to protect you so don't hesitate to use it. You deserve to be treated fairly. If a car is a lemon, it is a lemon and you should go to court to get it settled once and for all.
Even if you read reviews of the car before you buy it and the car is being described as safe and runs well, anyone can still end up getting stuck with a lemon of that model of car. It is always a surprise and that is why you need to be aware of the lemon law and be ready to act. But don't delay. You need to get the multiple repairs done before the warranty runs out. And don't be afraid of going to court to get protection. It is the only way to get treated fairly. You must do your part, get the repairs done and the paperwork filled out and then let the lemon law attorney [] and courts do their part.