Make Him Beg For Your Love - What Guys Really Want
Read on to see where you should hold back and what you should be putting forth.
Looking your best is where you'll start.
This doesn't mean you have to be a knock-out, but you do have to step out of the house looking presentable.
Ideally you want clothes that flatter your figure and a hairstyle that represents your personality well.
If you think this is superficial and guy's should want you only for what's on the inside, think of the last time a dorky guy came up to ask you out.
How did you react? Then you need to realize that sex is not what a relationship should be built upon.
This has become the way many women begin a romance, but it's all wrong.
All this usually results in is a lot of sex...
No love, no romance, no commitment.
If you want the guy to give you more, you have to offer more.
Be the intelligent lady he wants to talk to.
Be the clown who makes him laugh.
Be the calm that soothes his nerves after a hectic day.
How can you tell what he wants or needs? You listen.
Many women get so caught up with what they want, that they forget to really listen to what the guy might be telling them.
And that's if they give him a chance to say anything at all.
If you want this relationship to work, you really have to take his feelings into consideration.
Learn what you can about him by spending time with him.
Then be willing to show him that you really are impressed with the man he is.
He wants to feel important and strong.
So don't start picking him apart with what he does wrong or what he forgets.
A man wants to fall in love with the girl he's attracted to and the girl who makes him feel alive and great.
Is that you?