Women drivers in saudi arabia
An old man went for a camping with his wife and three daughters in a desert over a weekend, unfortunately the father of the family who was the only lawfully recognized driver in the family, was bitten by a snake and became so ill and he could no longer drive. These people were in the desert and no form of phone services could be accessed. To the rescue of the father and the family as a whole, one of their daughters happened to have been studying in the United States of America and was actually driving in this foreign country despite the fact that back in her home country driving as a woman was a foregone impossibility policywise.Their daughter was able to drive her ill father to the hospital were he received the necessary treatment and his life was saved.
This situation raises a number of serious issues concerning the unwarranted condition of lack of a policy allowing women to drive in Saudi Arabia.Fistly driving shouldn't be considered exclusively based on the issue of gender. It should rather be based on other issues as situations arising or motives such as saving lives as in the above phenomenon.Additionally,allowing women drivers in Saudi Arabia shouldn't only be based on the benefits it brings to the country and its citizens only but rather on a wider spectrum. This is because due to the availability of a different policy in the United States, a Saudi Arabian citizen's life was saved. A life could have been lost had United States been adopting a similar policy to the one in Saudi Arabia.
We consequently have to consider the fact that the above event represents only a tip of the iceberg of what other similar or worse phenomenon may have occurred or are waiting to occur within Saudi Arabia. This was a natural phenomenon and thus no one of Saudi Arabian dissent is safe from such events including you as the king. It is also surprising that no other Islamic country in the world forbids women drivers (Federal research Division: 2004).
As per the above happening, it is evident that the issue of allowing women to drive in Saudi Arabia should not be overlooked. This is because not ignoring the economic part of this, as highlighted above a lot of Saudi Arabian citizens have lost their lives due to the inability of having women drivers in Saudi Arabia. To avert this situation and save more lives threatened by this situation, you as the king of Saudi Arabia should seriously consider introducing a policy lifting the ban on driving by women in this country. Am looking forward to seeing a change in policy and the rise and increase of women drivers in Saudi Arabia in the near future and consequently less lives being lost in such simple and avoidable situations; simple as just allowing a Saudi Arabian woman to drive. Â