3 Things You Should Know Before Choosing a Fundraising Company
Choose a reputable company that you have researched and both of your needs should be easily met.
) Sales Supplies If you are operating your fundraiser on a "pre-order" basis then you will need quality sales materials.
High quality professional brochures are a must.
They should have pictures of the products being offered along with detailed descriptions.
The descriptions should be clearly printed in a type face that is easily read.
Your supplier should also provide you with order books and any other materials necessary for the sale of their products.
Most reputable suppliers will make these items available to you at no cost.
) Product Type There are literally thousands of different products that can be used in your fundraiser.
If you search hard enough or ask enough questions you will find any product that you can think of.
While candy bars are popular they are also quite common and there are probably other fundraising drives selling them in your area as we speak.
Do not be afraid to try something a little different or something considered "wacky.
" Just keep your choice in good taste and in the interest of your target market.
For instance, one fundraising product that is "different" but sells very well is household batteries.
Batteries sound like a strange idea for a fundraising product sale but they are responsible for tons of profit for many different types of groups and organizations.
) Research With the multitude of fundraising providers who are in business and those popping up everyday the choices are endless.
Do yourself a big favor and spend some time researching any company that you are interested in.
You have at the tips of your fingers the largest repository of knowledge ever conceived ...
the internet.
Use it to do some background research on companies that you are interested in.
Search for a review of their services.
You may even want to contact the Better Business Bureau in their area and inquire about them.
Don't be afraid to ask for references.
Any reputable company should be happy to provide you with a list of references.
Check them out.
The products are endless and the list of suppliers seems to be as well.
Take any steps that you deem necessary to affirm that you are choosing the correct supplier.
With research and thought you will find the perfect supplier to make your campaign a complete success.