How to Select Memory Upgrades
- 1). Consult your motherboard or computer manual and look for specifications. Under "memory" look for the type of memory. This will be formatted similar to either "DDR2 800" and/or "PC2 6400." This will tell you exactly the type of RAM you need. If you don't have a manual, you will need to search a bit more.
- 2). Go to the manufacturer website, such as Dell, Gateway, Compaq, HP, etc., and go to "support." You can probably find a manual or specifications through their online search feature. You may need to enter a model, serial number or some kind of service code. If you don't know the manufacturer, or it was custom built, you will need to go into the computer.
- 3). Open the computer case. Every case is a little different, but you can open most cases by unscrewing a few screws on the back, right side of the case or releasing restraining tabs. The case might pry open or have a detachable side panel. Look inside for the large, rectangular circuit board laying flat on the opposite side. This is the motherboard. Using a flashlight, carefully look for a manufacturer and model number. It is usually stenciled in obvious lettering somewhere on the board. The memory type might also be labeled on the motherboard, near the memory slots. You might even be able to find a memory type printed on the memory itself, which is identifiable as the long, rectangular pieces sticking up width-wise from the motherboard.
If you found the manufacturer and model of the motherboard, visit their website and look for the specifications of the motherboard, similarly to how you did with the computer make and model. If you found the memory type, then you already have your answer. If you couldn't find any information, you'll need outside help, in the form of a small download. - 4). Download a program that specializes in reading hardware information, such as CPU-Z, SIW, AIDA32 or AIDA64. Run the program, and the motherboard type should be displayed on the "motherboard" tab. Look up the motherboard at the manufacturer website for the recommended RAM.