Paracord Types
- Paracord was originally manufactured to construct parachutes--and still is.parachute image by Marzeev Andrey from
While paracord, or parachute cord, was originally made for the construction of parachutes, today it has many varied uses such as making braided bracelets, survival items, camping or wrapping the end of knives and shovels. Each type of cord has a different weight rating that dictates its use. - Type two paracord is made from four strands of nylon and is rated for 450 lbs.
- Type three paracord is made from seven strands of tight nylon and has a rating of 550 lbs.
- Nylon paraline para cord is made from four fluffy strands of nylon and is rated for 300 to 350 lbs., depending on the color. It may have four or more cores to reach the correct diameter.
- MIL-C-5040 Type 3 paracord is seven strands of tight nylon with a rating of 550 lbs. This cord type does not include the "H" so is not the official military issue paracord.
- MIL-C-5040H type 3 is a paracord that was specifically made for the military. The rating for this cord is 550 lbs. and has seven white nylon cords inside the covering. This cord is used in the construction of parachutes. Paracords that are listed as MIL-C-5040 Type 3 are not the "official military issue" cord.