The Power of Words
There is absolutely no doubt that there is immense power in the words that we use.
Words can inspire people into action, paralyse with fear or promote apathy.
Think of the impact of these people and their words: On 28th August 1963 Martin Luther King said "I have a dream...
" and inspired people to make a stand against racism not only throughout America at the time, but also future generations.
On 1st December 1955 in Montgomery Alabama, Rosa Parks refused the instructions of a bus driver that she give up her seat for a white passenger.
When asked about her stand later, she said that she was just "tired of giving in".
Those words, "I don't think I should stand up" initially caused her to be arrested, but it also caused a community to stand against racial injustice, which resulted in changes in the laws of the time.
On 4th June 1940 during a speech to House of Commons, Sir Winston Churchill said those famous words, "we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender...
" and inspired a nation.
I think Solomon said it best in the Bible when he said: "He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity" Proverbs 21:23 In using words, we have the power to build lives or to damage them forever.
We can build up, or knock down.
The choice is ours.
You may have heard my story before that in December 2008, I decided to take a risk, leave my secure job, and set up my company, Competitive Greatness Training.
The company was a vision that I had for years, but had previously elected to stay within my comfort zone and not take the risk.
I had listened to people talking about the problems with the economy and the security of having a job.
When leaving my job in December, I set myself a target that if didn't have the business operating to the level that was expected by April 2009, I would have to start looking for a job.
When April came around, and the doubts started to cloud my judgment, I went and purchased a paper to start looking for jobs.
The second time I went to purchase the paper to look for jobs my wife Jeanine was in the car.
She asked "what was I doing?" When I responded that I was looking for a job, she questioned my passion and commitment to what I saw as my dream.
The power of these words, and the support of my wife, inspired me to continue on my journey towards my vision and here I am today.
Spending every day doing what I was Born to Do.
I love helping people find their true potential and motivating them to reach for it.
I love to help people make plans for their journey and encourage them on the way.
If I didn't receive those words from Jeanine at that pivotal time then who knows what might have happened and where I would be now.
What about you? What words have motivated you to bigger things or destroyed your dreams? Who are the people that are influencing your life? Are they inspiring and encouraging you, or are they focusing on the negatives? I am convinced that one of the biggest determining factors on where you will be in five years time are the people that influence you so be very selective with your friends.
As you travel through life, you are always in the company of people who can potentially bring out the best or worst in you.
They can lead you on journeys that you never intended to take.
If you are in good company, the journeys can be very succesful, but if you are in bad company, the path can be hugely destructive.
Friends can steal your destiny...
don't let them.
If you feel they have stolen your destiny already, then steal it back...
it is never too late.
For further insights in this area, I would recommend reading my book 'Born for This' and please feel free to leave me any comments.
I read them all.
Live with passion.
Andrew Batty Making a Difference
Words can inspire people into action, paralyse with fear or promote apathy.
Think of the impact of these people and their words: On 28th August 1963 Martin Luther King said "I have a dream...
" and inspired people to make a stand against racism not only throughout America at the time, but also future generations.
On 1st December 1955 in Montgomery Alabama, Rosa Parks refused the instructions of a bus driver that she give up her seat for a white passenger.
When asked about her stand later, she said that she was just "tired of giving in".
Those words, "I don't think I should stand up" initially caused her to be arrested, but it also caused a community to stand against racial injustice, which resulted in changes in the laws of the time.
On 4th June 1940 during a speech to House of Commons, Sir Winston Churchill said those famous words, "we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender...
" and inspired a nation.
I think Solomon said it best in the Bible when he said: "He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity" Proverbs 21:23 In using words, we have the power to build lives or to damage them forever.
We can build up, or knock down.
The choice is ours.
You may have heard my story before that in December 2008, I decided to take a risk, leave my secure job, and set up my company, Competitive Greatness Training.
The company was a vision that I had for years, but had previously elected to stay within my comfort zone and not take the risk.
I had listened to people talking about the problems with the economy and the security of having a job.
When leaving my job in December, I set myself a target that if didn't have the business operating to the level that was expected by April 2009, I would have to start looking for a job.
When April came around, and the doubts started to cloud my judgment, I went and purchased a paper to start looking for jobs.
The second time I went to purchase the paper to look for jobs my wife Jeanine was in the car.
She asked "what was I doing?" When I responded that I was looking for a job, she questioned my passion and commitment to what I saw as my dream.
The power of these words, and the support of my wife, inspired me to continue on my journey towards my vision and here I am today.
Spending every day doing what I was Born to Do.
I love helping people find their true potential and motivating them to reach for it.
I love to help people make plans for their journey and encourage them on the way.
If I didn't receive those words from Jeanine at that pivotal time then who knows what might have happened and where I would be now.
What about you? What words have motivated you to bigger things or destroyed your dreams? Who are the people that are influencing your life? Are they inspiring and encouraging you, or are they focusing on the negatives? I am convinced that one of the biggest determining factors on where you will be in five years time are the people that influence you so be very selective with your friends.
As you travel through life, you are always in the company of people who can potentially bring out the best or worst in you.
They can lead you on journeys that you never intended to take.
If you are in good company, the journeys can be very succesful, but if you are in bad company, the path can be hugely destructive.
Friends can steal your destiny...
don't let them.
If you feel they have stolen your destiny already, then steal it back...
it is never too late.
For further insights in this area, I would recommend reading my book 'Born for This' and please feel free to leave me any comments.
I read them all.
Live with passion.
Andrew Batty Making a Difference