Space Is Filled With Infinite Intelligence, Knowledge and Power
Who am I? Where did I come from? These are timeless questions that challenge us..
The answer for me came in a simple experience which answered these enormous questions.
In my garden one day, something stirred in the grass and made a sound.
I moved over cautiously to see what it was.
A baby bird was struggling to move.
I moved closer and as it heard me it opened its mouth wide for food.
I picked up this little miracle of nature and realized it was only a few days old.
It had fallen from a nest in the tree and was weak and hungry.
As I held the baby bird in my hand I realized that this frail, weak little creature represented a level of Intelligence and Wisdom.
Perhaps it was not able to analyze and think as I could, but it certainly was aware of a presence that might satisfy its hunger.
I thought of all the beautiful birds that fly around our house.
As I watched them I saw their Intelligence being demonstrated.
They are careful to watch for danger that could harm them.
At the slightest sound or movement they are in flight.
I began to think of other animals.
The dogs next door, the cats that wander across our lawn, the squirrels and racoons.
All these exhibit Intelligence.
Wild animals in the forest, fish in the seas, polar bears in the Arctic, and seals under the Arctic.
An awesome display of Intelligence surrounding us on every hand.
But it doesn't stop there! Cleve Backster discovered that the trees in our garden are aware of danger.
Every flower, every tree, every blade of grass has a level of awareness and Intelligence.
Backster is a polygraph expert.
He attached the electrodes of a polygraph machine to the leaf of a plant in his office.
He turned on the polygraph machine and got a response when he made a decision to harm the plant.
He did not harm the plant.
He just made a mental decision to hurt it, and the plant indicated on the chart paper that it was aware of his thought.
The plant read his thought! Yes, the plant read his thought.
Ridiculous? Backster has repeated his experiment over and over again in his laboratory.
Other scientists too have confirmed that plant cells exhibit Intelligence.
We are surrounded with Intelligence.
It might be more correct to say that we are immersed in Intelligence.
We are, along with the birds, and the squirrels and the trees, living in a great Ocean of Intelligence.
An Intelligence and Wisdom that guides the planets in their orbits, brings the birds back from their annual winter homes and keeps our hearts beating and our lungs breathing.
For some people who lived thousands of years ago, this was common knowledge.
They had always known that there was a Source from which Wisdom and Intelligence flowed.
The early pages of scripture are replete with the knowledge that the Creator was "from everlasting to everlasting.
" That meant for those of that day that there never was a time that Wisdom and Intelligence did not exist, and there never will be a time when it will cease to exist.
They also knew that this Intelligence although invisible, was everywhere.
They knew that it extended to the far reaches of the Universe.
Indeed that It was Infinite and Eternal.
Over three thousand years ago David, king of ancient Israel in one of his songs asks, "Whither shall I go from Thy Spirit?" He then acknowledges that "If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea," You will still be there.
I remember asking my Father a question when I was a little boy with a curious mind.
I asked, "How old is God?" Dad took his time.
He then went on to explain to me that God lives in another dimension where there is no time.
He said it was hard for me to conceive of a place without time.
A place where there is no yesterdays or tomorrows.
A place where there is no beginning and no end.
And so it would be hard for me to understand that God does not have a beginning and will never have an end.
God, as the scriptures so powerfully explain, is from everlasting to everlasting.
"Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God.
" (Pslm.
90:1-3) I believe that this Intelligence is Consciousness, and that it has no beginning and no end.
It fills all space as well as every crevice and corner of the entire Universe.
Consciousness is eternal and forever.
It is the quality which quickens and supports all life.
Without Consciousness we would all be like a body in a casket.
A shell without energy, intelligence or awareness.
Lynn McTaggart in her best selling book "The Field" maintains that space is not empty as we have been taught, but brimming with unimaginable power, intelligence and knowledge..
She questions the conclusions of Newton, Descartes, Darwin and others, scientists of the seventeenth and eighteenth century who dictated the science of that day, which still influences us today.
The new discoveries declare that space is not empty.
She suggests that we humans interact electromagnetically with this vast Ocean of Intelligence.
The Field keeps us alive and conscious.
Every part of the vast sweep of our infinite Universe is filled with Intelligence, Wisdom and Knowledge and is referred to as "The Field".
Other philosophies and belief systems refer to it as "The Akashic Field" or "The Zero point Energy Field (ZPE)", but they are all the same, a limitless never-ending field.
This has astounding implications.
It suggests that we live in an enormous sea of energy, wisdom, knowledge and intelligence.
Some suggest that we can communicate with this Field in which we live, and that we can contact the Wisdom and Intelligence that it is.
This Field is Consciousness, and more and more we are beginning to discover that we are part of this Field.
Actually we are tiny waves in the Ocean of Consciousness, supporting the concept that there is only One Consciousness, One Reality.
The answer for me came in a simple experience which answered these enormous questions.
In my garden one day, something stirred in the grass and made a sound.
I moved over cautiously to see what it was.
A baby bird was struggling to move.
I moved closer and as it heard me it opened its mouth wide for food.
I picked up this little miracle of nature and realized it was only a few days old.
It had fallen from a nest in the tree and was weak and hungry.
As I held the baby bird in my hand I realized that this frail, weak little creature represented a level of Intelligence and Wisdom.
Perhaps it was not able to analyze and think as I could, but it certainly was aware of a presence that might satisfy its hunger.
I thought of all the beautiful birds that fly around our house.
As I watched them I saw their Intelligence being demonstrated.
They are careful to watch for danger that could harm them.
At the slightest sound or movement they are in flight.
I began to think of other animals.
The dogs next door, the cats that wander across our lawn, the squirrels and racoons.
All these exhibit Intelligence.
Wild animals in the forest, fish in the seas, polar bears in the Arctic, and seals under the Arctic.
An awesome display of Intelligence surrounding us on every hand.
But it doesn't stop there! Cleve Backster discovered that the trees in our garden are aware of danger.
Every flower, every tree, every blade of grass has a level of awareness and Intelligence.
Backster is a polygraph expert.
He attached the electrodes of a polygraph machine to the leaf of a plant in his office.
He turned on the polygraph machine and got a response when he made a decision to harm the plant.
He did not harm the plant.
He just made a mental decision to hurt it, and the plant indicated on the chart paper that it was aware of his thought.
The plant read his thought! Yes, the plant read his thought.
Ridiculous? Backster has repeated his experiment over and over again in his laboratory.
Other scientists too have confirmed that plant cells exhibit Intelligence.
We are surrounded with Intelligence.
It might be more correct to say that we are immersed in Intelligence.
We are, along with the birds, and the squirrels and the trees, living in a great Ocean of Intelligence.
An Intelligence and Wisdom that guides the planets in their orbits, brings the birds back from their annual winter homes and keeps our hearts beating and our lungs breathing.
For some people who lived thousands of years ago, this was common knowledge.
They had always known that there was a Source from which Wisdom and Intelligence flowed.
The early pages of scripture are replete with the knowledge that the Creator was "from everlasting to everlasting.
" That meant for those of that day that there never was a time that Wisdom and Intelligence did not exist, and there never will be a time when it will cease to exist.
They also knew that this Intelligence although invisible, was everywhere.
They knew that it extended to the far reaches of the Universe.
Indeed that It was Infinite and Eternal.
Over three thousand years ago David, king of ancient Israel in one of his songs asks, "Whither shall I go from Thy Spirit?" He then acknowledges that "If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea," You will still be there.
I remember asking my Father a question when I was a little boy with a curious mind.
I asked, "How old is God?" Dad took his time.
He then went on to explain to me that God lives in another dimension where there is no time.
He said it was hard for me to conceive of a place without time.
A place where there is no yesterdays or tomorrows.
A place where there is no beginning and no end.
And so it would be hard for me to understand that God does not have a beginning and will never have an end.
God, as the scriptures so powerfully explain, is from everlasting to everlasting.
"Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God.
" (Pslm.
90:1-3) I believe that this Intelligence is Consciousness, and that it has no beginning and no end.
It fills all space as well as every crevice and corner of the entire Universe.
Consciousness is eternal and forever.
It is the quality which quickens and supports all life.
Without Consciousness we would all be like a body in a casket.
A shell without energy, intelligence or awareness.
Lynn McTaggart in her best selling book "The Field" maintains that space is not empty as we have been taught, but brimming with unimaginable power, intelligence and knowledge..
She questions the conclusions of Newton, Descartes, Darwin and others, scientists of the seventeenth and eighteenth century who dictated the science of that day, which still influences us today.
The new discoveries declare that space is not empty.
She suggests that we humans interact electromagnetically with this vast Ocean of Intelligence.
The Field keeps us alive and conscious.
Every part of the vast sweep of our infinite Universe is filled with Intelligence, Wisdom and Knowledge and is referred to as "The Field".
Other philosophies and belief systems refer to it as "The Akashic Field" or "The Zero point Energy Field (ZPE)", but they are all the same, a limitless never-ending field.
This has astounding implications.
It suggests that we live in an enormous sea of energy, wisdom, knowledge and intelligence.
Some suggest that we can communicate with this Field in which we live, and that we can contact the Wisdom and Intelligence that it is.
This Field is Consciousness, and more and more we are beginning to discover that we are part of this Field.
Actually we are tiny waves in the Ocean of Consciousness, supporting the concept that there is only One Consciousness, One Reality.