Estate Planning Tools: Testament - Seven Factors
Here are seven factors that you need to consider before you begin the process of preparing your will. Be sure to look at all possibilities and try to ask yourself, "what if" this happens or that happens before you make your final decisions. This will help you consider all the contingencies that may arise after the disappearance.
1st Principals: Your executor will be responsible for arranging your assets, pay debts and final expenses, then allocate the rest of your recipients. Picking the best person (s) to keep it can be a challenge. Something that is good with finances, organizes and familiar with his family to be an excellent choice. You can also appointed by the promoters, if you think their skills complement each other and make the process smoother.
2nd Guardian: If there are minor children involved, you will also need to appoint guardians to supervise their welfare until they reach 18 years of age (or older if any). You can appoint a guardian to work in the physical and financial aspects, or you can designate different custodians for everyone. If the person you want to take care of minors is not a lot of finances, it would be wise to appoint another to take care of the money.
3rd Beneficiaries: his intention to provide specific guidelines for the allocation of their assets to their family, friends or others. If you plan to make specific bequests, charitable gift or institutional, as well as you spell them in detail. Make sure that you consider all the possible people who could potentially make a claim of its assets, including your spouse, children and other family members, if needed.
4th Omission: If you specifically want to miss anything, what would otherwise be entitled to claim their property, as well as you spell that, and a brief explanation of why you are skipping them. It is your right to do so, but if you offer an explanation, you can prevent this or to any person challenges the validity of your will.
5th Correct and witness the signing: When your show is adequate and should be signed after the formal process. You must be mentally competent to sign you and your witnesses must also be at least 18 years in many countries. You usually have two (in some states may require three) witnesses observe your signing. It is important that these witnesses do not have a personal interest, or can be obtained from your death or any of the provisions of your will. Generally positive, it is advisable that you have a notary public, notarize your signature and your witnesses' signatures.
6th Preparing for the choice: You can have your wills prepared by local attorney ($ 100 to $ 250), pre-paid legal services, or online ($ 75 to $ 150) or you can use one of the many legal software packages that are available for under $ 50. Whichever method you use to prepare your documents, follow their suggestions and recommendations, and you'll be ready to move forward.
7th Reviewing and updating: As in any financial or real assets of a plan to keep them up to date is very important. They must be reviewed at least every three years or earlier if any significant life events have taken place recently. If they need to be updated or changed, follow the steps above and replace as needed.
Comment: last will and testament is a simple, inexpensive way to get your estate plans, moving in the right direction. Time to plan important information for you and your family. You will have peace of mind knowing that your efforts will help save time, money and headaches for your loved ones if something happens to your