Mbpa Names Farbman Group / Nai Farbman One Of Best And Brightest Companies To Work For
According to the MBPA, the award honors companies that work with imagination and conviction to create organizational value and business results. The selection, recognition and awarding of the "101 Best and Brightest Companies to Work For" honor allows businesses to showcase best human resource management practices and policies, and demonstrate why each recognized company is an ideal place for employees to work and inspire other business owners.
Individuals nominate each company. Employees then are selected to complete an anonymous survey on how they feel about their work environment.
Truly great employees are rare, said Andrew V. Farbman, president and CEO, Farbman Group. When you identify them, you work hard to hang on to them. Were very lucky to have such an innovative, diverse and dedicated team. Farbman Group employees have high personal values that mirror the attitude of our organization and culture. Their enthusiasm is contagious to colleagues and clients alike.
Farbman Group / NAI Farbman believes in integrating family into the workplace and creating a relaxed, flexible environment. Baseball outings, barbeques and community fundraisers foster team spirit among co-workers and allow time to be spent with family. Farbman values personal intellectual growth. Classes are offered onsite throughout the year on topics including diversity training and stress management. Tuition reimbursement is available for external education.
Employee dedication is recognized with an employee of the month honor. Monthly honorees have the responsibility of electing an employee of the year. Both are rewarded with a plaque and other incentives like privileged parking spaces. Additionally, Farbman prides itself on offering its employees a comprehensive benefit package.
Founded in 1976, Farbman Group / NAI Farbman is a leading full-service real estate organization handling all facets of real estate transactions, from property management and leasing to acquisition and disposition.
Today, Farbman is one of the largest and most respected full service organizations in the Midwest. The firm manages more than 20 million square feet of office, retail, multi-family and industrial space throughout Southeast Michigan and is recognized as a leading commercial management and brokerage firm by clientele. For more information, please visit www.Farbman.com and www.NAIFarbman.com.