5 Tips To Make the Most of a Thin Budget
While some people can still afford to walk out of the nearest Apple Store with a brand new iPad, or think they can anyway, most of the rest of us are looking for ways to conserve as much of our budget as possible. With that in mind, here are 5 quick tips to help you pinch as many of your pennies as possible.
Break out the credit cards - It's time for a charge
Now I'm not saying you should just start charging everything to your Visa as soon as your bank account dries up. If you live by this edict, you're already in worse financial shape than you may realize. Instead, evaluate which of your cards offer you specific rewards for using them.
Many cards offer cash back rewards and other incentives to keep them in use. You may consider looking into cards that offer these rewards, and using them for charges like gas and groceries. Just make sure you keep the balance as low as possible, and to pay the bills, in full, as soon as they come in.
Close that door, you're letting the heat out!
Pay very close attention to your utility bills. Since we all have to pay these if we want to keep our water and electricity running, keeping these bills in check should be top priority.
Everyone knows to keep the thermostat down to save on their energy bill, but do those extra couple of degrees off make that big of a difference? Check with your provider and see if they offer any free energy check programs. These can help you save buku bucks.
I got it at Ross!
Are your old clothes starting to wear a little thin? Rather than heading to the nearest Nordstrom's and picking up whatever looks hot, consider sticking to clothing necessities for the time being and leaving those new Ugg boots on the shelf. They look ridiculous anyway.
Can you hear me now?
Here's something the Droid doesn't do - save you money on your phone bill. If you've overloaded your iPhone or Black Berry with useless, costly apps that you hardly ever use anyway, consider downgrading to a standard cell phone. With simpler plans and fewer minutes, you can save yourself upwards of $50 a month on cell charges. Sure you won't be able to make dinner and movie ticket reservations, play Bejeweled, or download new songs while you're on a conference call, but you also won't have to pay for that "privilege" either.
Put some money back in your pocket
Finally, for those of you who are barely able to tread water on your bills, even with these tips, consider working with a debt settlement firm to help you quickly and effectively lower you debts and free up your funds. It can be tricky to find a good one, but these services are a big help for those who don't have the time or know-how to deal with creditors.