Sports Fundraiser: Know Where The Money Is
If you were a robber and you’re thinking as to where you can get the largest amount of money within your city, a bank will surely immediately into your mind. You have to use the same premise when you’re doing a sports fundraiser. Now, I’m not trying to say that you should rob a bank just so you can earn big amounts of funds for your sports teams. Instead, you should be well aware of the best locations within your community where you can easily and quickly generate huge amounts of sales.
Using the right location is key to the success of your sports fundraiser regardless of you’re doing a products sales campaign, hosting an event, or offering services to people such as car wash services. Now, you may be thinking all this time that you can only earn good money by targeting your family, friends, neighbors, relatives, and co-workers. However, you should know that aside from your usual prospects, there’s still a whole lot of money in lots of other places that are just lying right under your nose. You just have to go where they are.
Let’s look at the best locations where you can effectively raise funds without too much effort. When you’re determining the best places to do fundraisers, you should think of spots where lots of people usually go to. These places usually include locations where lots of people do their shopping. When people are out to shop, they have money in their pockets and you can get some of that cash by offering your products in the right places. The best places where you can offer high quality fundraising products include drug stores, grocery stores, home improvement stores, and shopping malls. Drug stores are considered as good entry level sales spots. These places usually have some good sidewalk space available. Home improvement stores on the other hand are known as big traffic spots during the weekends because this is where lots of do it yourself people start their next project. Grocery stores are considered as perfect hunting grounds for people who are doing product fundraisers. Small but high quality food items do really well in these areas. Shopping malls may be quite difficult to get approved especially if you plan on using outside space but setting a booth that’s near the food court is a really brilliant idea.
Most of the locations that I have mentioned above are quite big, which means that you can set your sales booth in different areas. Even though you’re already at the right location, you still need to determine where the perfect spot is. In order for you to do this, you have to do some research as to where exactly the most number of people go to when they’re in these places. You can try asking the person in charge of the place so that you can get the accurate information that you need. Lastly, never fail to ask permission.