Planning For Income In The Face of Any Illness Such As Cancer
When you're young and healthy you think you're invincible.
As an older man I know better.
I got news about my prostate after it was found my PSA levels were on the rise.
I think I was able to handle this because I had already made the mental adjustment that health can't be taken for granted.
In my mid-thirties life threw me a curve and I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) a disease in which the body's immune system eats away at the protective myelin sheath that covers the nerves, a potentially debilitating process that's not reversible.
That news changed my life.
Years before that happened I had been injured in an auto accident.
I got the important lesson when you get injured or ill and cannot work you don't get paid.
That can lead to financial ruin.
The point is I told myself "Don't ever be caught in a position where you can't get paid.
" I've taken measures to provide another source of income not dependent on my ability to perform and I now show others how to do the same thing.
What I Learned About Income I'm a research analyst who focused on finding out why people can't get ahead after dealing with my own financial frustrations.
The financial professionals did not offer the solution I needed and I decided to figure things out on my own and I did.
During my research I found a long list of obstacles that hinder people from getting ahead.
Health is one of the major obstacles.
Many people have faced financial disaster due to the enormous medical costs incurred while fighting cancer or other illnesses.
To address the health obstacle I wanted an automated way to generate income and that pointed to the Internet.
But I also wanted to learn how to make money.
There was nothing that explained how it works.
All I found were things (1) about money or (2) ideas or ways to earn money.
That wasn't what I was looking for.
Believe it or not, God helped me discover the secret.
Something very ordinary happened and I learned in an instant WHAT making money involves.
It forever changed my understanding and I knew what to find or create to make it possible to apply what I learned.
That is why I insist on making a distinction between making money and earning it.
That is not something taught by anyone I've come across in part because of the common use of language but also because no one really "gets it".
People make statements along the lines "I'm going to make some money".
Then they go to their job and work.
It also can be a situation where someone wants to "make some quick cash".
Then it's done by doing some odd jobs to earn money.
It also surprises people when I tell them that what they do in the investment markets doesn't count either.
That's not making money and I reveal the difference to my students.
Applying This Knowledge To Provide Income With that as a background you should begin to appreciate the value of applying this knowledge so that you have income regardless of your health situation.
Having insurance is certainly a good thing but it only goes so far.
Losing income from a job is a big hit.
I wanted a secondary source of income that could make up the gap.
This secondary source of income is one that I have control over and can grow and increase over time.
Take time to learn how you can have income regardless of cancer or any illness by making money rather than earning it.