Modern Hair Restoration surgery breaks the limitations of outdated procedures

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Hair loss is usually a syndrome of androgenic alopecia or male pattern baldness, wherein androgen reactions and the secretion of dehidrotestosterone(DHT) causes hair follicles in frontal and central areas of the scalp to miniaturize in a distinct pattern and die resulting in permanent baldness. Females are also affected with this syndrome, however baldness is rather rare in females and they receive a diffuse hair loss with an overall hair thinning.

Either ways, the hair at the back of the scalp is usually less prone to the DHT and is immune, hence it works as the sole hope to accommodate a hair restoration surgery wherein baldness resistant hair is harvested from the patient's back of the scalp with some indigenous techniques applied in either of two procedures: Follicular Unit Transplant and Follicular Unit Extraction. The donor hair has to be the patient's own since the hair anyone else would not suit for this purpose.

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) is derived from the early and traditional techniques of strip harvesting, but the new innovation to this procedure is that the basic anatomy of hair is identified and worked with the naturally occurring 2, 3, 4 and 5 hair groupings called follicular units are taken, wherein the old strip harvesting process used 10-12hairs randomly.

This is done by removing a thin strip of skin from the ideal donor zone at the patient's back of the scalp and with the highest degree of permanent and healthy hair follicles, as the donor scar is closed and sutured the skin is placed under a microscope and open dissected about the 2-5hair follicles according to their numbers with a little amount of tissue to bind them together and provide moisture. The whole thing is called a hair graft that is ready to be transplanted to the bald areas or recipient area. The recipient area is prepared to receive the hair grafts by making a pattern following which the hair grafts will be transplanted. An artistic pattern is created by the surgeon supposing the fullest and densest appearance when the transplanted will grow. The hair grafts are planted making pin-prick incisions much resembling the planting of wheat and this will sustain growth and density gradually coming to the final result after a course of 10-12months. An FUT hair transplant surgery can be done between morning and afternoon and the patient can leave within evening. With little post-surgery care needed patient can get back to work within 48hours. Hair will grow as in natural and the patient can expect the results to show from after 2months of surgery. Gradually the growth will get denser and cover the bald scalp. Final results take 12months to show that is predictable.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a newer innovation of the whole scenario of hair transplant surgery wherein instead of stripping a skin from the back of the scalp, each individual hair follicular unit is plucked out of the donor area with specially designed punches, forceps and number of instruments of manual, automated or motorized mediums.

The FUE Technique ensures less invasiveness, scarring and downtime, and the same effaceable results. Moreover it also makes, minute spot hair restoration a possibility like eyebrow hair transplant and body hair follicular extraction.

FUE hair transplant cost is more expensive than the FUT procedure, and is more attractive for patients regarding the minimal scarring utility. But as both the procedures offer a sustainable pro, there are some cons too. SO patients are regarded to consult a predominant and leading hair restoration clinic to get the ideal views about their personal hair loss problems. For more details visit at Harley Street Hair Transplant Clinic in London.
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