Bringing in the Sheaves For Your Harvest Altar at Your Perfect Fall Wedding Ceremony
Wheat is a symbol for fertility and thus is often a perfect addition to a wedding altar.
(You figure out if you want to announce its fertility implications or just stick with the harvest metaphors!) Having a sheaf of wheat on your altar table, either alone or gathered with deep autumn flowers is a beautiful addition to the wedding ceremony.
What would take this next part over the top is to find a local farm which grows wheat and a local mill which would grind the wheat.
Buy wheat and bake a loaf of bread to share at your wedding ceremony as an indication of your desire to feed and nurture one another.
If you're not a baker, someone in your community is and would be willing to bake this loaf for you.
(Yes, you can always have your caterer do it!) Then ask your caterer to bake bread from this wheat flour for your wedding dinner.
Keep the ritual nature of the wedding going: ask people to serve one another bread.
If you're having a hard time figuring out how to feed your community on your wedding budget, base the meal around the fabulous bread.
(white bread is fine, but whole wheat bread is actually a better metaphor, because it underlines the nourishment you offer one another.
) Not sure what you want to do about favors if you're having them? Write out the recipe for the bread eaten at the wedding, and give it to your guests along with a bag filled with enough flour to bake a recipe of bread.
This activity from after the wedding will help people remember both the wedding and your marriage.
That will give them a subconscious reminder of your relationship every time they eat fresh bread.
It will give you one too.
And that's what you need: lots of sweet reminders of how you felt when you married to keep you moving along in marriage.