Use Your Hunting Camera to Interest Kids in Science
Sharing with the youngsters in your family is great fun and can also help them learn some valuable academic skills at the same time.
Your scouting camera can be a super tool for achieving both those goals.
Young hunters enjoy the sport more when they are successful, thanks to your pre-season scouting, and they have the opportunity to practice some important science skills with a little guidance from an interested adult.
Younger children can download images from your trail camera to their computer and watch how the animals function and interact with their physical environment.
They can talk about how the animals are alike and how they are different.
Even first graders can compare and contrast animals by using a Venn Diagram.
This simple tool is comprised of two overlapping circles.
In one circle, traits unique to one of the animals are listed.
In the other, traits unique to the other are entered.
In the portion where the two circles overlap, traits they have in common appear.
As children get older, they can begin to investigate the habits and interdependence of animals and note the effects of seasonal changes on their health, activities, and survival.
They can compare the habits of the animals common to their area -- squirrels, deer, chipmunks, turkeys, etc.
-- during different seasons.
By third grade, they might be interested in recording their observations through the use of charts and graphs.
Data on each kind of animal may include: (1) identification (2) description (3) number (4) order.
Later analysis of data can reflect daily and seasonal changes and environmental conditions such as weather, temperature, time of day, etc.
Let their own inquisitiveness guide them.
They can be very creative in the methods they choose to display the information gained through the use of a trail camera.
The skills mentioned here are included in many of the tests administered by state and national exams.
If your child has some practical experience putting them to use, they will have a much better understanding of the concepts than if they had simply read about them in books.
It is also possible that they may find information and draw conclusions that will make your hunt more successful.