Net Curtains - Vital Information That You Should Know
Since then, they have been widely used in many households.
They were originally made out of lace or woven from silk, wool, and cotton.
Those made from premium silk fabric are generally the most expensive you'll find.
During the 20th century, manufacturers started using synthetic fabrics in producing these attractive and stylish window treatments.
Today, most of them are created from polyester.
This type of curtain is not only used as window dressings.
The truth is, they can also be utilized for many other purposes, such as keeping the insects out, covering doorways, and enabling a certain level of room privacy.
With a growing number of people who are now realizing their benefits, they are now widely available in different types, styles, and designs.
Some of the popular variants of net-style curtains are as follows: · Jardiniere Curtains - These are window-length curtains that offer wider coverage than café curtains.
The bottom part of the curtain is purposely shaped like an arch in the middle to allow easy viewing of the outside.
· Café Curtains - These are cheaper alternatives to full-length curtain varieties, and they are ideally placed in the kitchen.
However, there is no rule impeding you to use them in other areas of your home.
They are usually hanged using decorative rods, and you can use them in conjunction with smaller curtains.
· Voile Curtains - Voile is a French term which means 'covering'.
These curtains were originally made in Nottingham, England - which was regarded as the hub of curtain-making for a great length of time, from the 1800s up to the 1900s.
These days, voile curtains are now widely manufactured in Eastern Europe, China, and Turkey.
These are often made from semi-transparent and very fine curtain fabrics.
They can be embroidered with additional decorations, but most are left plain, which only include a fine weave used as a pattern.
Hopefully, the information provided in this article will equip you with sufficient knowledge about net curtains.