Forrest"s Victory: Battle of Brice"s Cross Roads
Battle of Brice's Cross Roads - Conflict & Dates:
The Battle of Brice's Cross Roads was fought June 10, 1864, during the American Civil War (1861-1865).
Armies & Commanders:
- Major General Samuel D. Sturgis
- approx. 8,500 men
- Major General Nathan Bedford Forrest
- approx. 3,200 men
Battle of Brice's Cross Roads - Background:
In May 1864, Major General William T. Sherman began moving south from Chattanooga with the goal of capturing Atlanta.
 Directing three armies led by Major Generals James B. McPherson, George H. Thomas, and John M. Schofield, he repeatedly forced Confederate General Joseph E. Johnston to retreat during a campaign of maneuver. Nearing the city in early June, Sherman's supply lines back to Tennessee had become increasingly long and vulnerable to attack. Of particular concern was the vital Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad which could be threatened by Confederate forces in northern Mississippi. As a major attack on his logistical network could compromise the entire campaign, Sherman took precautions to ensure that it remained protected.
Operating in northern Mississippi, noted Confederate cavalry leader Major General Nathan Bedford Forrest requested permission from Major General Stephen D. Lee, commander of the Department of Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana, to ride north into Tennessee to strike at the railroad. Granted, he made preparations to commence his raid. Concerned about the threat posed by Forrest, Sherman directed Brigadier General Samuel Sturgis to advance from Memphis and Lafayette into northern Mississippi with the goal of containing the enemy cavalry and damaging the Mobile & Ohio Railroad near Tupelo.
 Leaving on June 1, Sturgis' command numbered around 8,500 men and included Brigadier General Benjamin Grierson's cavalry division.
Battle of Brice's Cross Roads - Forrest Reacts:
Alerted to Sturgis' movements on June 3, Lee recalled Forrest and directed him to slow the Union advance. Moving to unite his command, Forrest skirmished with Grierson's cavalry at Ripley on June 7. Correctly ascertaining that Sturgis' goal was Tupelo, he began concentrating his forces and moved to block the Union line of advance. Meeting with Lee on the morning of June 9, Forrest decided to make a stand on the high ground along Tishomingo Creek near Brice's Cross Roads. Learning from his scouts that Grierson's cavalry typically rode three hours ahead of Sturgis' infantry, he planned to strike each element separately and defeat them in detail.
Battle of Brice's Cross Roads - Fighting Begins:
Reaching Brice's Cross Roads first, Grierson's cavalry moved through the area and encountered Colonel Hylan Lyon's brigade at 10:30 AM approximately a mile to the east. Deploying for battle, the Union horsemen engaged Lyon as Forrest brought the rest of his men to the field.  Grierson initially got the better of the fighting, but around 11:30 AM, as the bulk of his troops arrived, Forrest mounted a strong attack. Pushed back, Grierson consolidated his lines and requested infantry support from Sturgis. Help began to reach his lines around 1:30 PM (Map).
Battle of Brice's Cross Roads - Forrest Victorious:
Gaining momentum from the arrival of Sturgis' first units, Union forces counterattacked on the right. Recognizing that the arrival of the Union infantry could turn the tide of the battle, Forrest directed his men to attack the Union line on both flanks. Rolling forward his artillery, the guns shattered parts of Sturgis' line and the follow-on assaults compelled Sturgis to re-form his men in a tight, semicircular formation in front of Brice's Cross Roads. Continuing to seek an advantage, Forrest dispatched the 2nd Tennessee Cavalry on a wide hook around the Union left to strike at the bridge over Tishomingo Creek. Though the effort was blunted, it caused confusion in Sturgis' ranks. Pressing the fight, Forrest pushed units around both Union flanks and also mounted a large-scale frontal assault. Around 5:00 PM, these efforts led to the collapse of Sturgis' line and his men began fleeing back over the creek and up the Ripley-Guntown Road. The retreat was covered by two regiments of US Colored Troops on the west bank of the creek.
Battle of Brice's Cross Roads - Aftermath:
Retreating up the road, Sturgis attempted to form a new defensive lines but was continually pushed back by Forrest' advancing troops. With sunset, the fighting came to an end, though Forrest had his men on the march at 1:00 AM to continue the pursuit.  Pushing the enemy for fifty-five miles, the Confederates finally broke off their efforts near Salem. In the fighting at the Battle of Brice's Cross Roads, Sturgis suffered 223 killed, 394 wounded, 1,623 missing/captured, as well as lost 16 guns. Forrest's casualties numbered 96 killed and 396 wounded.  Though a severe tactical defeat for Union forces, the Battle of Brice's Cross Roads had some strategic value as the campaign kept Forrest's cavalry in Mississippi and prevented it from raiding Sherman's supply lines in Tennessee.
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