Prevent Diseases With Effective Natural Remedies for Low Immunity
Immunity is the name given to a galaxy of defense mechanisms with in the body to combat and resist the attack of harmful bacteria, fungi and viruses and foreign bodies. Immunity consists of specific or non specific components. Non-specific components restrict any kind of pathogenic invasion and specific components are the result of diseases encountered. The immune system adjusts and adapts itself to each new disease the body picks up, and generates pathogen specific immunity.
Immunity can be classified in to two broad types: innate and acquired. Innate immunity is the body's very own inborn or natural resistance power against a wide range of germs. Examples of innate immunity are as follows: cough reflex, mucous, skin, stomach acid and enzymes in tears and skin oil. Innate immunity may be in the form of protein chemical, and is known as innate humeral immunity. Acquired immunity again falls in to two categories: naturally acquired and artificially acquired. Naturally acquired immunity is acquired by the body as a response to an invasion by some disease causing agent and the invasion is not deliberate. Artificially acquired immunity is the deliberate exposure of the body to disease causing agents, and it occurs mainly through vaccination.
The naturally acquired immunity or the artificially acquired immunity may be both active and passive. Passive immunity consists in antibodies produced in and transferred from another person's or animal's body. For instance, babies are born with passive immunity or antibodies transferred from the mother's placenta. Passive immunization is a long-lasting protection in the form of antiserum injections which bear antibodies produced in another body. Precaution against hepatitis and tetanus are instances of passive immunization.
1. Chronic infections
2. Frequent cold and flu
3. Swollen lymph nodes
4. Frequent cold sores and genital herpes
5. Feeling fatigued or exhausted
6. Cancer.
Natural remedies to boost up immunity and prevent diseases
1. Polyphenols in black and green tea is an immunity boosting agent.
2. Consumption of mushrooms increase the white blood cells count to fight against bacteria.
3. Vitamin A and C rich diet increases immunity. Thus one must include more and more potatoes, carrots, squash, papaya, pumpkin, tomatoes, kiwi fruit and other yellow vegetables in diet.
4. Zinc rich diet also boosts up immunity. Thus milk, pork, fortified cereals, poultry, oysters and yoghurt should be consumed in optimum quantities.
5. Flavonid rich food items like garlic, berries and yoghurt increases immunity.
6. Pepper should be used in salads and while cooking. Pepper, rich in antioxidants and a natural decongestant, improves effectively the immune health.
7. Grounded flax seed, sesame seed may be taken every morning along with a paste of 2 almonds and honey. This mixture strengthens immune cells.
8. Avoiding antibiotics is an effective way of maintaining high immunity level.
9. One should get at least 8 hours of sound sleep to keep the body fresh and rejuvenated.
10. Smoking should be avoided. Immunity is the name given to a galaxy of defense mechanisms with in the body to combat and resist the attack of harmful bacteria, fungi and viruses and foreign bodies. Immunity consists of specific or non specific components. Non-specific components restrict any kind of pathogenic invasion and specific components are the result of diseases encountered. The immune system adjusts and adapts itself to each new disease the body picks up, and generates pathogen specific immunity.
Immunity can be classified in to two broad types: innate and acquired. Innate immunity is the body's very own inborn or natural resistance power against a wide range of germs. Examples of innate immunity are as follows: cough reflex, mucous, skin, stomach acid and enzymes in tears and skin oil. Innate immunity may be in the form of protein chemical, and is known as innate humeral immunity. Acquired immunity again falls in to two categories: naturally acquired and artificially acquired. Naturally acquired immunity is acquired by the body as a response to an invasion by some disease causing agent and the invasion is not deliberate. Artificially acquired immunity is the deliberate exposure of the body to disease causing agents, and it occurs mainly through vaccination.
The naturally acquired immunity or the artificially acquired immunity may be both active and passive. Passive immunity consists in antibodies produced in and transferred from another person's or animal's body. For instance, babies are born with passive immunity or antibodies transferred from the mother's placenta. Passive immunization is a long-lasting protection in the form of antiserum injections which bear antibodies produced in another body. Precaution against hepatitis and tetanus are instances of passive immunization.
1. Chronic infections
2. Frequent cold and flu
3. Swollen lymph nodes
4. Frequent cold sores and genital herpes
5. Feeling fatigued or exhausted
6. Cancer.
Natural remedies to boost up immunity and prevent diseases
1. Polyphenols in black and green tea is an immunity boosting agent.
2. Consumption of mushrooms increase the white blood cells count to fight against bacteria.
3. Vitamin A and C rich diet increases immunity. Thus one must include more and more potatoes, carrots, squash, papaya, pumpkin, tomatoes, kiwi fruit and other yellow vegetables in diet.
4. Zinc rich diet also boosts up immunity. Thus milk, pork, fortified cereals, poultry, oysters and yoghurt should be consumed in optimum quantities.
5. Flavonid rich food items like garlic, berries and yoghurt increases immunity.
6. Pepper should be used in salads and while cooking. Pepper, rich in antioxidants and a natural decongestant, improves effectively the immune health.
7. Grounded flax seed, sesame seed may be taken every morning along with a paste of 2 almonds and honey. This mixture strengthens immune cells.
8. Avoiding antibiotics is an effective way of maintaining high immunity level.
9. One should get at least 8 hours of sound sleep to keep the body fresh and rejuvenated.
10. Smoking should be avoided.
11. Fluid intake should be raised to enhance immunity power.
Immunity can be classified in to two broad types: innate and acquired. Innate immunity is the body's very own inborn or natural resistance power against a wide range of germs. Examples of innate immunity are as follows: cough reflex, mucous, skin, stomach acid and enzymes in tears and skin oil. Innate immunity may be in the form of protein chemical, and is known as innate humeral immunity. Acquired immunity again falls in to two categories: naturally acquired and artificially acquired. Naturally acquired immunity is acquired by the body as a response to an invasion by some disease causing agent and the invasion is not deliberate. Artificially acquired immunity is the deliberate exposure of the body to disease causing agents, and it occurs mainly through vaccination.
The naturally acquired immunity or the artificially acquired immunity may be both active and passive. Passive immunity consists in antibodies produced in and transferred from another person's or animal's body. For instance, babies are born with passive immunity or antibodies transferred from the mother's placenta. Passive immunization is a long-lasting protection in the form of antiserum injections which bear antibodies produced in another body. Precaution against hepatitis and tetanus are instances of passive immunization.
1. Chronic infections
2. Frequent cold and flu
3. Swollen lymph nodes
4. Frequent cold sores and genital herpes
5. Feeling fatigued or exhausted
6. Cancer.
Natural remedies to boost up immunity and prevent diseases
1. Polyphenols in black and green tea is an immunity boosting agent.
2. Consumption of mushrooms increase the white blood cells count to fight against bacteria.
3. Vitamin A and C rich diet increases immunity. Thus one must include more and more potatoes, carrots, squash, papaya, pumpkin, tomatoes, kiwi fruit and other yellow vegetables in diet.
4. Zinc rich diet also boosts up immunity. Thus milk, pork, fortified cereals, poultry, oysters and yoghurt should be consumed in optimum quantities.
5. Flavonid rich food items like garlic, berries and yoghurt increases immunity.
6. Pepper should be used in salads and while cooking. Pepper, rich in antioxidants and a natural decongestant, improves effectively the immune health.
7. Grounded flax seed, sesame seed may be taken every morning along with a paste of 2 almonds and honey. This mixture strengthens immune cells.
8. Avoiding antibiotics is an effective way of maintaining high immunity level.
9. One should get at least 8 hours of sound sleep to keep the body fresh and rejuvenated.
10. Smoking should be avoided. Immunity is the name given to a galaxy of defense mechanisms with in the body to combat and resist the attack of harmful bacteria, fungi and viruses and foreign bodies. Immunity consists of specific or non specific components. Non-specific components restrict any kind of pathogenic invasion and specific components are the result of diseases encountered. The immune system adjusts and adapts itself to each new disease the body picks up, and generates pathogen specific immunity.
Immunity can be classified in to two broad types: innate and acquired. Innate immunity is the body's very own inborn or natural resistance power against a wide range of germs. Examples of innate immunity are as follows: cough reflex, mucous, skin, stomach acid and enzymes in tears and skin oil. Innate immunity may be in the form of protein chemical, and is known as innate humeral immunity. Acquired immunity again falls in to two categories: naturally acquired and artificially acquired. Naturally acquired immunity is acquired by the body as a response to an invasion by some disease causing agent and the invasion is not deliberate. Artificially acquired immunity is the deliberate exposure of the body to disease causing agents, and it occurs mainly through vaccination.
The naturally acquired immunity or the artificially acquired immunity may be both active and passive. Passive immunity consists in antibodies produced in and transferred from another person's or animal's body. For instance, babies are born with passive immunity or antibodies transferred from the mother's placenta. Passive immunization is a long-lasting protection in the form of antiserum injections which bear antibodies produced in another body. Precaution against hepatitis and tetanus are instances of passive immunization.
1. Chronic infections
2. Frequent cold and flu
3. Swollen lymph nodes
4. Frequent cold sores and genital herpes
5. Feeling fatigued or exhausted
6. Cancer.
Natural remedies to boost up immunity and prevent diseases
1. Polyphenols in black and green tea is an immunity boosting agent.
2. Consumption of mushrooms increase the white blood cells count to fight against bacteria.
3. Vitamin A and C rich diet increases immunity. Thus one must include more and more potatoes, carrots, squash, papaya, pumpkin, tomatoes, kiwi fruit and other yellow vegetables in diet.
4. Zinc rich diet also boosts up immunity. Thus milk, pork, fortified cereals, poultry, oysters and yoghurt should be consumed in optimum quantities.
5. Flavonid rich food items like garlic, berries and yoghurt increases immunity.
6. Pepper should be used in salads and while cooking. Pepper, rich in antioxidants and a natural decongestant, improves effectively the immune health.
7. Grounded flax seed, sesame seed may be taken every morning along with a paste of 2 almonds and honey. This mixture strengthens immune cells.
8. Avoiding antibiotics is an effective way of maintaining high immunity level.
9. One should get at least 8 hours of sound sleep to keep the body fresh and rejuvenated.
10. Smoking should be avoided.
11. Fluid intake should be raised to enhance immunity power.