You Still Have a Chance When Your Ex Starts Seeing Someone Else
It simply doesn't get much worse than this.
Once they've found another partner, your chances of getting them back are slim.
Not only that, but the emotional impact of seeing the love of your life with someone else is more than most of us can take.
But is it really the end of the line for you and your ex? Even though things are looking bad and your chances are clearly diminished, if you love your ex enough and you're willing to look at the positive side, there is always a chance.
Nothing is impossible once you put your mind to it.
No one knows what the future holds and how things are going to play out.
Just because your ex is seeing someone now doesn't mean that it's going to last.
Their latest fling could end any time.
In the meantime, it's important that you don't allow your emotions to take hold.
If there was ever a time for patience, it's now.
Accept the fact that they're seeing someone else - you've really got no choice.
One thing you don't want to do is start any kind of conflict with your ex or their new partner.
If there's anything in the world that will kill your chances, that's it.
You need to take the high road here and show them that there is more to you than meets the eye.
Simply put, don't get caught up in petty jealousy and immature behavior.
Yes, you may feel like exacting your revenge on them, but what is that really going to buy you? Any sort of verbal or physical confrontation with your ex or their partner is going to result in irreparable damage being done.
This will test your true character like nothing else.
Dealing with the flood of emotions after a breakup is bad enough, watching your ex parade around with someone else is another thing entirely.
However, you simply need to ask yourself one thing: How badly do you want your soul-mate back? Are you willing to play the long game and temporarily give them up?