Readers" Choice 2011 Favorite TV Shows for Collectors Finalists
There were quite a few different shows nominated in this category, more than you might imagine, especially if you haven't been perusing the local TV Guide.
The winners have been announced and are shown in the order of finish.
Read more on Collector Favorites for 2011
•American Pickers
American Pickers on the History Channel is one of the newer shows in this category and currently in the second season of traveling around the country in hope of finding the next great American treasure. The pickers hope to find that treasure in an old barn, home or even a cave in the ground, an episode that still gives me chills.
American Pickers
•Pawn Stars
Pawn Stars, another History Channel product, is in their third season of production. The show takes viewers inside a family-run pawn shop in Las Vegas, with lots of interesting family dynamics and story line going along with the pawning of interesting treasures. I obviously live a sheltered life, as I would never even think of taking some of these things (if I owned them) to a Pawn Shop. But watching is certainly has been an education for our family.
Pawn Stars
•Auction Hunters
Only a few months old, the premise of the show is similar to a treasure hunt, Allen Haff and Ton Jones go to storage unit auctions. Basically sight unseen (except for a look from the doorway), they bid on the storage unit contents not knowing what they bought until after they've paid. Just looking at all those closed boxes appeals to the treasure hunter in all of us.
Auction Hunters
•Antiques Roadshow
It's the grandfather of all these shows and will celebrate 16 seasons in 2011. It's another show that had the original roots in the UK, but quickly found a home on PBS. Antiques Roadshow travels around the country, as folks vie for tickets to show their treasures and see what they might actually be worth from the dozens of folks at appraisal stations throughout the auditorium.
Antiques Roadshow
•Cash in the Attic
There are two versions of this show, the original is on BBC and the American spin-off on HGTV. Have you ever wanted a chunk of money for a special project and need someone to come in and tell you what you can sell to realize your goal? That's what this show is all about and it's fun to see the end results when the items go to auction.
Cash in the Attic