PPC And Article Marketing For Blog Traffic
You should know that there is just 1 obstacle standing in your way of earning the money with your blog that you're looking for.
And that 1 obstacle is traffic.
Getting blog traffic is very easy.
Now I understand if you don't understand the word "easy" when we're talking in context of internet marketing, but you need to know that you can definitely have a successful business all with blogging.
And all you need is some powerful traffic strategies that can improve your business, get you more traffic, and get you more income.
I want to dive into the first strategy that you can use to boost your blog traffic and sales.
Now this traffic method isn't typically used for blogs - because most blogs aren't designed to sell.
You can still make money and gain backend customers using this 1 strategy.
Here's what it is: 1) PPC (Pay per click advertising) Pay per click advertising is possibly the fastest way to get targeted traffic to your blog - but not all PPC services are created equally.
You will want to stick with Google AdWords and Bing Ads.
I've tested many other PPC companies, and haven't had any success with them...
I mean like $0 - even though the same campaign in Google AdWords and Bing Ads are making me profits...
on the front end! I personally advise and recommend that you stick with Google AdWords and Bing Ads.
And when you send people to your blog from these services, encourage them to sign up for your email newsletter.
This way you can retain a lot of your visitors, and over time as you gain thousands of subscribers...
you'll start to earn your money back from the recurring commissions and sales that you will be getting from your list.
Here's another blog traffic method: 2) Article marketing I like article marketing.
Many people have grown to not like article marketing, but I think it's still a good way to get traffic to your site, and to be positioned as an expert in your niche.
The more articles you write, obviously the more traffic you will stand to get.
And along with posting articles on your blog, you will want to post some articles onto the article directories.
You can't lose with article marketing.
You will want to do some article syndication also...
which basically means to contact ezine publishers personally and asking them if they would like to promote your content to their ezine list or website.
To find people like this, you can go to the directory of ezines (DOE) and find ezine owners there.
Take these 2 blog traffic techniques and use them in your business today.
It will be worth your time.
And I use them in my business so I know that they do work.
Good luck with blog marketing today.