Caravan Tyres Causing Insurance Claims
However, most damage occurs when the caravan is not in use.
For example, caravans that are stood for long periods may cause their tyres to become misshapen with the weight of the 'van, not to mention damage to the rubber caused by exposure to sunlight.
This kind of tyre damage can make the tyres more at risk of punctures and in the worst cases 'blowouts'.
Even a slightly deflated tyre can cause the caravan and tow car to become unstable and it is rare for a caravan to survive a 'blow-out'.
Insurance claims relating to burst tyres are not uncommon, but there are precautions you can take to help prevent it happening to you:
- Tyres over 5 years old should be replaced.
You should be able to find the manufacture date on the tyre itself - When the caravan is not in use for long periods, e.
during the winter months, check tyre pressures regularly to ensure they don't get too under inflated. - The sidewalls of the tyres should be inspected for any signs of damage such as cracks or damage from impact.
- Should the worst happen, a crash can be avoided if using Tyron wheel-safety-bands which are proven to reduce the risk of an accident should the caravan's tyres become deflated.
Although they do not prevent the puncture occurring, they enable the driver to stay in control of the vehicle and find a safe place to change the tyre.