Penis Enlargement Exercises - My Favorite Exercise For Getting Bigger From Home
The first, and most important, is that they work; many men have experienced growth from consistent penis exercising.
The second reason is that they put the man in direct control of his gains.
Nobody wants to shell out hundreds of dollars while they wish and hope that some miracle pill is going to make them bigger, they want a method that puts them in direct control of their gains and that they can see working in real time.
 For this article we're going to go over my favorite beginner exercise that will help you start enlarging.
 First of all, it is important before any PE workout that you do a warm up.
This may sound silly, but it isn't the same kind of warm up you would do for sports, but it will help your penis become more responsive to enlargement and ensure you are being safe.
To warm up simply soak a towel in warm water and then wrap it around your penis.
You'll want to get yourself to about 70% of an erection before beginning the workout.
 Exercise #1: Horizontal Motion  Horizontal motion is a penis enlargement exercise that is based off of the "Jelq", which many of you may have heard of, but that generally does a better job of increasing both thickness AND length.
To begin horizontal motion make a ring out of the thumb and forefinger on both hands.
Also, make sure you have some sort of lotion or lube applied.
Now, place one ring around the base of your penis and squeeze gently so that you feel some pressure.
Next take your other hand and put this ring around the tip of your penis so that you have it gripped from both ends.
Slide your "tip hand" down the shaft of your penis gripping firmly but gently until it reaches the base and meets up with your other hand, you should be able to feel the blood moving through your penis as you move.
Now bring your hands back to the starting position.
 You have just completed a horizontal motion repetition! At first, you'll only want to do 25-50 of these per workout session to make ease your penis into the routine of penis enlargement exercises but after some time you can increase the number to increase the speed of your gains.