Do Eye Wrinkle Creams Works?
Also if these wrinkles are formed due to premature aging or neglect on your part, then wrinkles around your eyes will make you look years older then you actually are. So if you are thinking about buying eye wrinkle creams don't just buy any products; first ask your ophthalmologist about them and then make your selection. Here is a guide to help you make the best decision regarding buying these creams.
Why eye wrinkles form
There are many factors that contribute to the thinning and drying of your skin. They include smoking, damage due to sun's ultraviolet rays and aging. These also make your skin less elastic. As a result, the skin around your eyes, which are very delicate to start with, starts developing wrinkles and fine lines
How Effective Are Eye Wrinkle Creams
According to Dr. Scott Trimas of Jacksonville, Florida, there is no eye cream that is 100% effective in removing eyelid wrinkles. So there is no such thing as the best eye wrinkle cream! What he recommends is using of moisturizers that will temporarily make the wrinkles disappear.
What Do Ophthalmologists Recommend
Dr. Zoe D. Draelos, a consultant for Proctor & Gamble, says that basically all creams are
All creams that claim to remove eye wrinkles are basically moisturizers that have been fortified with additional ingredients as Dr. Zoe D. Draelos, a consultant from Proctor & Gamble claims. That is why ophthalmologists are always warning that not all eye wrinkle creams are suitable for your delicate eye areas. You have to be very careful while choosing them so as to avoid irritating your sensitive skin around the eye or the eyes. That is why an anti wrinkle eye cream should have no fragrance and its pH balance should match your skin pH. If that does not happen, and it enters your eyes by mistake, it will produce a very stinging sensation in your eyes.
Choosing The Right Creams
While choosing your eye wrinkle remover cream, be in the lookout of products that carry approvals of ophthalmologists. Such products are generally tested by them as well. Two products that carry this approval are Neaclear and Lancome's High Resolution Eye Refill-3X. But remember one point; ophthalmologists do not mean an automatic guarantee that the product will remove wrinkles.
What To Avoid
According to medical experts, you should avoid those eye wrinkle creams that are petroleum based like Aquaphor. Never apply such products around your delicate eyes.
Why eye wrinkles form
There are many factors that contribute to the thinning and drying of your skin. They include smoking, damage due to sun's ultraviolet rays and aging. These also make your skin less elastic. As a result, the skin around your eyes, which are very delicate to start with, starts developing wrinkles and fine lines
How Effective Are Eye Wrinkle Creams
According to Dr. Scott Trimas of Jacksonville, Florida, there is no eye cream that is 100% effective in removing eyelid wrinkles. So there is no such thing as the best eye wrinkle cream! What he recommends is using of moisturizers that will temporarily make the wrinkles disappear.
What Do Ophthalmologists Recommend
Dr. Zoe D. Draelos, a consultant for Proctor & Gamble, says that basically all creams are
All creams that claim to remove eye wrinkles are basically moisturizers that have been fortified with additional ingredients as Dr. Zoe D. Draelos, a consultant from Proctor & Gamble claims. That is why ophthalmologists are always warning that not all eye wrinkle creams are suitable for your delicate eye areas. You have to be very careful while choosing them so as to avoid irritating your sensitive skin around the eye or the eyes. That is why an anti wrinkle eye cream should have no fragrance and its pH balance should match your skin pH. If that does not happen, and it enters your eyes by mistake, it will produce a very stinging sensation in your eyes.
Choosing The Right Creams
While choosing your eye wrinkle remover cream, be in the lookout of products that carry approvals of ophthalmologists. Such products are generally tested by them as well. Two products that carry this approval are Neaclear and Lancome's High Resolution Eye Refill-3X. But remember one point; ophthalmologists do not mean an automatic guarantee that the product will remove wrinkles.
What To Avoid
According to medical experts, you should avoid those eye wrinkle creams that are petroleum based like Aquaphor. Never apply such products around your delicate eyes.