America"s Politically-Correct Gay Military
., which has become notorious for its leftist-leaning, supposedly-objective internet search engine, has the capacity to manipulate its algorithms to serve its political and social purposes. It did just that with searches for conservative, pro-life Republican candidate for the presidency, Rick Santorum.
Instead of directing unsuspecting Googlers to appropriate €Rick Santorum€ links, inexplicably generates €graphic sexual terms,€ purely incidental said a Google spokesperson who copped out and advised users to complain to the offending websites rather than to Google.
. The American Civil Liberties Union lost out in its quest to corrupt and homosexualize children in 2003 when the Supreme Court authorized America's public schools and libraries to install computer filters to weed out garbage.
The ACLU is attempting to circumvent that decision by suing Virginia's Camdenton School District to allow kids to view, and be seduced by, homosexual filth in the form of gay websites.
All that aside, and it shouldn't be put too far aside in view of the unremitting campaign by gays, lesbians, bi-sexuals, and trans-sexuals to convince America of their normality, it's a whole new day for the armed forces of the United States of America! Gays are usually focused on children but this new day celebrates adults.
After extensive studies and a manipulated survey of the troops, despite vehement objections and compelling evidence contradicting the survey's validity, as of September 20th, 2011 homosexuals will be permitted to openly serve in the Army, Navy, Marines and Coast Guard.
As Army Lieutenant Colonel Robert Maginnes (Ret.) pointed out, the €consequences could be significant, but the American public has no clue because because the 111th Democrat-controlled Congress repealed the ban [on gays in our military] in a €lame-duck€ session without hearing a single dissenting view.€
That ban, that law, 10 U.S.C. § 654, aka the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy, in place for 18 years ever since Bill Clinton followed the advice of Dick Morris and pushed for its passage in 1993 in order to appear a moderate on the issue, had grated on the homosexual community for almost two decades.
With Republicans slated to take control of the House of Representatives in 2011, gays knew it was time to call in all their Democrat chits and Democrat supporters so they could €integrate€ the armed forces with homosexuals.
Maginnes, who now serves as a media national security adviser/analyst, detailed the not-unforeseen, not-unintended but ignored realities, consequences, and potential repercussions of repealing DADT in €Congress Ignored Perils of Lifting Military's Gay Ban.€
Primary ignored realities are the majority opposition from the troops, high rates of STDs among homosexuals, and the inherent pitfalls of gays showering and bunking with same-gender personnel, the equivalent of men and women sharing baths and bedrooms.
The consequences of that ignorance should have been apparent even to politicians, even to Democrat politicians. But there are more.
Service members' moral and religious beliefs against homosexual practices were disregarded and dismissed as irrelevancies in favor of the Pentagon's new fervor for gay political correctness over conscience. Left unsaid and undefined are the fates of chaplains who refuse to officiate at homosexual weddings.
Maginnes' concern for military cohesiveness and possible mass defection from the military of heterosexuals who think Congress is out of touch and PC is a crock is easily the most critical interest of the country.
What's in store for America's military future? Homosexuals leading and guiding our armed forces, charging up hills and across dales to wipe out enemy emplacements and fending off enemies by batting them with feather boas and beaded leather belts?
Not that there's anything wrong with any of that, as Seinfeld contended.
Homosexuals may make excellent soldiers, just different types of soldiers. America may lose more battles and wars but, hey, PC is PC!
Railing against gays in the military has as much validity as complaining that Google links conservative Rick Santorum with graphic sexuality and suggesting the ACLU is intent on converting naive kids to the gay lifestyle.
There's a minimal plus side to all this, at least insofar as the armed forces are concerned. As Dave Letterman quipped Tuesday night, we'll be seeing more military parades.
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