Guilt and the Working Mother
Whether or not they are married or in a committed long-term relationship there can be many reasons for wanting to continue working.
Guilt is often a serious factor in the working mother's peace of mind.
She often has conflicting places that she would rather be.
Let's look at the reasons she may have for continuing to work: - Career advancement is often an important consideration.
Many women appreciate the opportunities open to them and want to make the most of the chances to develop, progress and achieve something for themselves.
They want to avail themselves of the openings that come their way.
Giving up their career just as it is starting to blossom can feel an unnecessary waste.
- Money is a serious factor.
Many couples live well, up to the limit of their income.
Reducing two people living on two wages down to three people living on one wage can massively impact on a family's quality of life.
Many women want to continue supporting the family income, and many men find that it is a welcome release of pressure on them.
- Independence is a serious factor.
Many women like to have their own money, the means to go and buy themselves a treat or a present for their partner out of their own money.
Also many women are aware that even solid relationships sometimes fail.
Maintaining ones independence is an important insurance policy against future problems that may occur.
- Keeping their identity matters.
Some women have concerns at what they will become if they have a child.
They may fear losing their identity, not being a good mother, losing the interest of their partner.
Sometimes keeping their career, even if they decide to reduce their hours or work part-time, provides an important link with their original self.
- Childcare is often very good.
Finding good childcare is often expensive but is worth it.
Some women pay the same in childcare as they earn in wages but regard it as an important temporary measure in keeping their career on track.
Let's look at ways to rationalise the guilt: - Whatever path a mother chooses to take after her baby is born, the most important factor is that she feels happy and satisfied with her life.
Reconciling the guilt that a working mother feels is difficult.
She often feels guilt at being selfish, guilt at missing important dates and events as her child grows up.
Sometimes the baby-minder sees more of the child than its mother does.
- However a child with good childcare often gets the best of both worlds.
They are with someone who is experienced with children and their development, they may get taught and nurtured in special ways.
Often they get to mix and meet with other children and learn to interact, share and communicate with other children.
There are often important benefits to using childcare or a nanny.
- A working mother needs to commit to spending positive time with her child.
Setting aside time in the evening or at weekends for family time is important.
Time and special shared activities together are more important than expensive gifts and holidays.
Going out for a day to the local park, having a picnic in the garden, collecting shells on a beach, spending an afternoon doing crafts will be remembered and valued with more affection than expensive clothes and treats.
Being a working mother can require precision planning and good time management skills, but having help at home, good childcare and an appreciation of the important reasons for doing it can help to keep a balanced, happy home.
A mother who is happy and satisfied with her life is far better for a child than one who is full of resentment and frustration at being stuck at home.