How to Live as an American Abroad
- 1). Take a couple days to relax and just adjust your brain to the change. You've been packing and unpacking and traveling and you are unfamiliar with the area and customs. Unless you've been met by friends who live there, just go to the nearest place where you can take out decent food and get your living space in order.
- 2). Remember you do not know where you're going. You may think you do but there's a 99 percent chance you don't, so always check the map and make sure you have the correct address. You can learn public transportation fairly smoothly; you just have to get to your destination enough times to trust it. So check the map and take public transportation and pay attention to the stops.
- 3). Work to learn a few phrases of the native language. It's incredibly respectful if one can just learn to say, "Pardon, me I don't yet know your language" or "I'm sorry but I am only English speaking for now." And pleasantries like good morning and thank you. People will feel you're trying to be a good guest and learn the language, instead of presumptuously assuming everyone speaks English.
- 4). Learn how to shop. Whether it's the outdoor markets or the Ritz. Learn how to address and interact with the people selling, and familiarize yourself with the currency. You need to pay correctly without needing constant help figuring out the money and slowing down the line.
- 5). Be a good guest at all times. It's not your home country but it is your home. You want to constantly be aware that you don't have the right to expect everyone to do things the way you're used to doing them. Be gracious and follow the ways people behave and adjust your voice to be quieter or louder, learn which side of the sidewalk is heading north and which south, and make sure you remember to look the correct way before crossing the street.
- 6). Keep your visa up to date so you won't have problems. Again, you may think you remember the date to renew but if you're not 100 percent sure, then check again. You don't want to have visa trouble.