How to Draw Curves in Perspective
- 1). Draw a horizontal line across your paper with your ruler. Estimate the center of the line and draw a point there. This is your vanishing point, where everything in the drawing will recede to. One point means that this is a one-point perspective drawing.
- 2). Draw two parallel lines coming from the point using a ruler. Try and space them equally apart. Draw a third line from the vanishing point in the center of the two parallel lines. Right below the vanishing point and horizontal line, draw another small horizontal line that cuts across all three of the parallel lines. Draw another horizontal line that does the same at the bottom of your page. You should have what looks like a long rectangle with a line in the middle.
- 3). Connect each pair of corners of the long rectangle by drawing diagonal lines from them to their corresponding point. You should have an "x" when you are finished. Draw another horizontal line where the "x" crosses in the center. You now have four divided rectangles. Continue to divide the rectangles by connecting corners until you have around eight divisions.
- 4). Isolate each pair of horizontal squares and choose a set of corners in each that you will use to draw a trail. If you choose to draw a diagonal line from the left to right corner in the first square, then you must use the same corners in the square beside it. Where the lines stop at the bottom corner, you will extend a new set of lines into the squares below in the opposite direction. The diagonal lines will continue to alternate like this as you move down the levels.
- 5). Create a trail from the straight diagonal lines by drawing freehand curves from them. Use the points where the lines cross as a guide to keep the curves uniform.