Antarctica Cruise: When Is the Best Time to Travel
If you are intending on taking a cruise to Antarctica, then you have to figure out which is the best time for it.
According to experts, the best time to take a cruise to Antarctica is between November and March as this is the period when the region gets sunshine for practically twenty-four hours.
However, from experience it is suggested that you plan for cruise either for November or early part of December.
This is the time when spring season begins here and you will see signs of new life emerging.
Birds like penguins, giant petrels, skuas, snow petrels and cormorants begin their breeding and start nesting.
During this time, you will get an opportunity to see penguins court each other, and it will truly be a remarkable experience that you will never forget.
If you want to see the humpback whales, then plan your cruise to Antarctica during December and January.
You will be able to see these magnificent creatures swimming looking for krill, their staple diet.
This is also the time when you will be able to see birds like the albatross, petrels and skuas with their chicks.
In addition, different species of seals will come on to ice floes and thrill you a great deal.
In February and March, the breeding cycle of the animals and birds comes to an end.
The chicks of the birds are become big enough to start exploring their surroundings.
If you are not squeamish, then you will marvel at the sight of leopard seals waiting to devour baby penguins who enter the water for the first time.
Also, be prepared to spy fur seals, orcas and minke whales, which are a kind of baleen whales measuring about 25 to 30 feet in length.
During these months, the days begin to shorten as the region prepares for the winter season, but the sunsets are spectacular and leave you spellbound.
Based on the aforementioned information, you can plan your cruise to Antarctica, depending upon what you want to see and experience.
According to experts, the best time to take a cruise to Antarctica is between November and March as this is the period when the region gets sunshine for practically twenty-four hours.
However, from experience it is suggested that you plan for cruise either for November or early part of December.
This is the time when spring season begins here and you will see signs of new life emerging.
Birds like penguins, giant petrels, skuas, snow petrels and cormorants begin their breeding and start nesting.
During this time, you will get an opportunity to see penguins court each other, and it will truly be a remarkable experience that you will never forget.
If you want to see the humpback whales, then plan your cruise to Antarctica during December and January.
You will be able to see these magnificent creatures swimming looking for krill, their staple diet.
This is also the time when you will be able to see birds like the albatross, petrels and skuas with their chicks.
In addition, different species of seals will come on to ice floes and thrill you a great deal.
In February and March, the breeding cycle of the animals and birds comes to an end.
The chicks of the birds are become big enough to start exploring their surroundings.
If you are not squeamish, then you will marvel at the sight of leopard seals waiting to devour baby penguins who enter the water for the first time.
Also, be prepared to spy fur seals, orcas and minke whales, which are a kind of baleen whales measuring about 25 to 30 feet in length.
During these months, the days begin to shorten as the region prepares for the winter season, but the sunsets are spectacular and leave you spellbound.
Based on the aforementioned information, you can plan your cruise to Antarctica, depending upon what you want to see and experience.