Lawyers in NYC can help those mistreated by illegal racial profiling
For many first, second, and third generation immigrants, New York has become their home. However, although New York is home to a diverse array of people, this does not come without a certain degree of tension. With the current immigration situation from Mexico, many people believe that these tensions are on the rise nationally.
On November 30th the immigration subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee had a hearing with the sole purpose of discussing the Secure Communities Act, the new national fingerprinting program that allows police officers to run immigration checks on people who are detained. Immigrant communities and other groups were quick to criticize The Secure Communities Act.
These groups see this act as blatant racial profiling, and some of the lawyers in NYC and many other parts of the country do too. Though the issue of racial profiling is nothing new, some in the immigrant community have begun seeking legal counsel to help fight against the injustices of the system.
Latinos from all over the country are fighting back against what they believe to be illegal racial profiling. If you live in New York and have been a victim of illegal racial profiling, you should speak to the lawyers in NYC about your potential case.
Currently there is a federal statute that prohibits racial profiling. It is called the Civil Rights Act. The 4th and 14th Amendments of the United States Constitution also prohibit discrimination based on race. However, lawmakers and law enforcement officials in certain States are fighting a fight of their own. They say that the Constitution was written before the immigration problems of today, and that the Secure Communities Act is not racist in nature. Representative Steve King of Iowa has recently came under fire for defending the Secure Communities Act. He said: "Actually, I don't think when [they wrote] the Civil Rights Act that they even knew what racial profiling was." He is not alone in this belief.
Racial profiling as it pertains to the Secure Communities Act is a legal gray area. Both law enforcement officers and lawyers have been fighting on both sides of this argument. If you feel you have been mistreated by police officers based on your race, it is in your best interest to speak to the lawyers in NYC, or wherever you reside, to see if you have a winnable case.
These professionals will be upfront and honest with you about your options. They are on your side of the law.
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