The Best Ways To Spend Tax Refunds

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In the USA, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) handles the taxes paid out annually by working citizens. Individual taxpayers can perhaps pay too much tax which is withheld from their paychecks during the tax year making them qualified for an income tax refund. Many people are interested to get their income tax refunds as they have been experiencing financial problems.

Americans annually receive some amount of serious money from tax refunds. In fact, the average annual federal income tax refund is more than about $3,000! And, more than 75% of federal tax returns usually results in a tax refund - meaning that most US citizens get a reasonably generous check when tax season rolls around.

Some people use the money to pamper themselves with a vacation, a new car, or a shopping spree. Others use it to pay for their daily expenses like gas, groceries and the electric bill.

But there are several better ways to spend your tax refund. In fact, by doing one of the below given things, you can make the most out of your tax refund check:

1. Pay off your highest interest debts.

If you are unable to pay off all of your pending debts with your refund, start by clearing the debt that has the highest interest rate. For most people, this is usually credit card debt.

By paying off your debts with high-interest now, you can save yourself a plenty of money in paying interest later. After all, it is not unusual for credit cards to have interest rates as high as 20% or 30%!

2. Make an extra mortgage payment.

When it comes to your mortgage, additional payments are usually credited right to the principal - meaning you'll be saving a lot of money on future interest. Additionally, paying off surplusmortgage means you'll get more equity in your home as soon as the check clears.

3. Save it for when you need it.

You never know when there can be emergencies, your to break down our your house may be hit by a Hurricane. Life has avery funny way of throwing us some expensive curveballs!

If you have a savings account, it is wise put your tax refunds money in there - instead of your regular checking account - so that it can gain some amount of interest. If you do not have a savings account, consider your tax refund to be an excuse to go open one.

4. Spend some on repairs and upgrades.

By spending some amount of tax returns on home or carrepairs, you can help you avoid bigger expenses later. If you are putting off engine repair of your car, now is the perfect time to do it. Or, spend some refund amount on purchasing new tires, so that your car gives a smoother ride and uses less gas.
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