Tips for a Successful Home Business Network Marketing Venture
In network marketing, for the most part, you are not promoting the products that you organization distributes, but a marketing concept based upon the premise of bringing new people into the network. Within this scope of marketing, you will, of course, develop a base of customers from those who are not interested in becoming individual business owners. However, if you want to be successful in network marketing, you have to promote the concept of business ownership rather than sales because sales offer only one level of income, that of the difference between cost of goods and sales price of goods. Perhaps if your network makes enough sales, you may also collect a bonus for those sales, but in all honesty, if you are interested in a sales-oriented business, network marketing is not the place for you.
In order for you to become successful in network marketing, you must promote the business concept rather than the sales of a product line. That is not to say there is no money to be made from the sale of products because that would be ludicrous since with no product sales, there would be no income at all generating throughout the network; however, the idea is to promote the network as a business venture and encourage your people to use the products they distribute. If everyone in your network uses the products they distribute, you will find that several sources of income will flow down to you from your upline, and the more people you have in your downline, the higher the initial amount of sales volume will be.
What is the answer to success in network marketing? Should you forego trying to sell the products totally? Of course not, but you need to concentrate on promoting the concept of business membership and promoting your network, and from there you will develop your customer base among those who choose not to join your network. You may also have people contacting you because of your website presence about buying products or joining the business, but you should concentrate your efforts on promoting the business rather than promoting the products. You are, of course, going to let potential recruits know the type of product base that is available because most people won't venture into a business with products they don't use, but other than that, stay with the promotion of the business and its long-term benefits.