What Is Paper Filing Taxes?
- One of the most important sections of the IRS website is the "Tax Information for Individuals" page, which provides updates for the current tax season.
- Forms and publications can be downloaded, filled in, and printed from the IRS website. Visit the "Forms and Publications" link on any page at www.irs.gov for other ways to order forms for home delivery.
- Corresponding instructions are available for IRS forms. When visiting the "Forms and Publications" page, users can download both, provided they have the current version of Adobe Acrobat Reader. Forms can be filled in and printed out on the site, or ordered for home delivery.
- Help filling out forms is available by visiting the "Tax Law Questions" page to submit questions online. IRS representatives also can answer questions at 1-800-829-1040.
- Taxpayers needing assistance beyond that found on the website or by phone can visit local IRS offices. The "Local IRS Office" page shows services provided by local offices, and contact information. Volunteer assistance is also available but income and/or age restrictions apply.
- Information on submitting returns is available in the tax forms' instructions. Mailing addresses can be found on the "Where to File Tax Returns" page.